Source code for utils.ansible_playbook_to_role


from __future__ import print_function

from tempfile import mkdtemp
import io
import os
import os.path
import sys
import shutil
import re
import argparse
import getpass
import yaml
import collections

SSG_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".."))
PLAYBOOK_ROOT = os.path.join(SSG_ROOT, "build", "ansible")

    from github import Github, InputGitAuthor, UnknownObjectException
except ImportError:
    print("Please install PyGithub, on Fedora it's in the python-PyGithub package.",
    raise SystemExit(1)

    import ssg.ansible
    import ssg.yaml
    from ssg.utils import mkdir_p
except ImportError:
    print("Unable to find the ssg module. Please run 'source .pyenv'", file=sys.stderr)
    raise SystemExit(1)

[docs] def memoize(f): memo = {} def helper(x): if x not in memo: memo[x] = f(x) return memo[x] return helper
# The following code preserves ansible yaml order # code from arcaduf's gist # _mapping_tag = yaml.resolver.BaseResolver.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TAG
[docs] def dict_representer(dumper, data): return dumper.represent_mapping(_mapping_tag, data.items())
[docs] def dict_constructor(loader, node): return collections.OrderedDict(loader.construct_pairs(node))
yaml.add_representer(collections.OrderedDict, dict_representer) yaml.add_constructor(_mapping_tag, dict_constructor) # End arcaduf gist PRODUCT_ALLOWLIST = set([ "rhel7", "rhel8", "rhel9", ]) PROFILE_ALLOWLIST = set([ "anssi_nt28_enhanced", "anssi_nt28_high", "anssi_nt28_intermediary", "anssi_nt28_minimal", "anssi_bp28_enhanced", "anssi_bp28_high", "anssi_bp28_intermediary", "anssi_bp28_minimal", "C2S", "cis", "cjis", "hipaa", "cui", "ospp", "pci-dss", "rht-ccp", "stig", "rhvh-stig", "rhvh-vpp", "e8", "ism", ]) ORGANIZATION_NAME = "RedHatOfficial" GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_NAME = "ComplianceAsCode development team" GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL = "" META_TEMPLATE_PATH = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "ansible_galaxy_meta_template.yml" ) README_TEMPLATE_PATH = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "" )
[docs] def create_empty_repositories(github_new_repos, github_org): for github_new_repo in github_new_repos: print("Creating new Github repository: %s" % github_new_repo) github_org.create_repo( github_new_repo, description="Role generated from ComplianceAsCode Project", homepage="", private=False, has_issues=False, has_wiki=False, has_downloads=False)
[docs] def clone_and_init_repository(parent_dir, organization, repo): os.system( "git clone" % (organization, repo)) os.system("ansible-galaxy init " + repo + " --force") os.chdir(repo) try: os.system('git add .') os.system('git commit -a -m "Initial commit" --author "%s <%s>"' % (GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_NAME, GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL)) os.system('git push origin main') finally: os.chdir("..")
[docs] def update_repo_release(github, repo): repo_tags = [tag for tag in repo.get_tags()] try: (majv, minv, rel) = repo_tags[0].name.split(".") rel = int(rel) + 1 except IndexError: cac = github.get_repo("ComplianceAsCode/content") cac_tags = [tag for tag in cac.get_tags() if != "v0.5.0-InitialDraft"] (majv, minv, rel) = cac_tags[0].name.strip("v").split(".") new_tag = ("%s.%s.%s" % (majv, minv, rel)) commits = repo.get_commits() print("Tagging new release '%s' for repo '%s'" % (new_tag, repo.create_git_tag_and_release(new_tag, '', '', '', commits[0].sha, 'commit')
[docs] class PlaybookToRoleConverter(): PRODUCED_FILES = ('defaults/main.yml', 'meta/main.yml', 'tasks/main.yml', 'vars/main.yml', '') def __init__(self, local_playbook_filename): self._local_playbook_filename = local_playbook_filename # ansible language doesn't allow pre_tasks for roles, if the only pre task # is the ansible version check we can ignore it because the minimal version # is in role metadata if "pre_tasks" in self._playbook[0]: pre_tasks_data = self._playbook[0]["pre_tasks"] if len(pre_tasks_data) == 1 and \ pre_tasks_data[0]["name"] == \ ssg.ansible.ansible_version_requirement_pre_task_name: pass else: sys.stderr.write( "%s contains pre_tasks other than the version check. " "pre_tasks are not supported for ansible roles and " "will be skipped!.\n") @property @memoize def name(self): root, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self._local_playbook_filename)) product, _, profile = root.split("-", 2) return "%s_%s" % (product, profile.replace("-", "_").lower()) @property @memoize def product(self): # Returns the first part [product] of name. # ex: rhel7_stig # returns: rhel7 return"_")[0] @property @memoize def profile(self): # Returns the second part [profile] of name. # ex: rhe7_anssi_nt28_enhanced # returns: anssi_nt28_enhanced return"_", 1)[1] @property @memoize def tasks_data(self): return self._playbook[0]["tasks"] if "tasks" in self._playbook[0] else [] @property @memoize def tasks_local_content(self): return yaml.dump(self.tasks_data, width=120, default_flow_style=False) \ .replace('\n- ', '\n\n- ') @property @memoize def default_vars_data(self): return self._playbook[0]["vars"] if "vars" in self._playbook[0] else [] @property @memoize def added_variables(self): variables = set() for task in self.tasks_data: if "tags" not in task: next if "when" not in task: task["when"] = [] elif isinstance(task["when"], str): task["when"] = [task["when"]] variables_to_add = {self._sanitize_tag(tag) for tag in task["tags"] if self._tag_is_valid_variable(tag)} task["when"] = ["{varname} | bool".format( varname=v) for v in sorted(variables_to_add)] + task["when"] variables.update(variables_to_add) if not task["when"]: del task["when"] return variables @property def vars_data(self): return [] @property @memoize def title(self): try: title ='Profile Title:\s+(.+)$', self._description, re.MULTILINE).group(1) return '"' + title + '"' except AttributeError: return'Ansible Playbook for\s+(.+)$', self._description, re.MULTILINE) \ .group(1) @property @memoize def description_md(self): # This is for a role and not a playbook description = re.sub(r'Playbook', "Role", self._description) # Fix the description format for markdown so that it looks pretty return description.replace('\n', ' \n') @property @memoize def _playbook(self): return ssg.yaml.ordered_load(self._raw_playbook) @property @memoize def _raw_playbook(self): with, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f: return @property @memoize def platform_version(self): platform = self.product # Check to see if this is RHEL product if platform in PRODUCT_ALLOWLIST: # For RHEL, we can get what version if 'rhel' in platform: return platform[-1] return "7\n - 8" return "TBD" @property @memoize def _description(self): separator = "#" * 79 offset_from_separator = 3 first_separator_pos = self._raw_playbook.find(separator) second_separator_pos = self._raw_playbook.find(separator, first_separator_pos + len(separator)) description_start = first_separator_pos + len(separator) + offset_from_separator description_stop = second_separator_pos - offset_from_separator description = self._raw_playbook[description_start:description_stop] description = description.replace('# ', '') description = description.replace('#', '') desc = "" # Remove SCAP and Playbook examples from description as they don't belong in roles. for line in description.split("\n"): if line.startswith("Profile ID:"): break else: desc += (line + "\n") return desc.strip("\n\n") @property def _update_galaxy_tags(self): galaxy_tags = {} # These are the default tags that all roles share tags = [ "system", "hardening", "openscap", "ssg", "scap", "security", "compliance", "complianceascode", "redhatofficial", "redhat", ] prod = self.product prof = self.profile tags.append(prod) tags.append(prof.replace("_", "")) if prof == 'stig': tags.append("disa") if 'anssi' in prof: tags.append("anssi") galaxy_tags['galaxy_tags'] = tags return galaxy_tags def _tag_is_valid_variable(self, tag): if "DISA-STIG" in tag: return True # rules of kind package_* and service_* can have hyphen in their rule IDs pattern = re.compile('(package_.*_(installed|removed))|(service_.*_(enabled|disabled))') if pattern.match(tag): return True return '-' not in tag and tag != 'always' def _sanitize_tag(self, tag): return tag.replace("-", "_")
[docs] def file(self, filepath): if filepath == 'tasks/main.yml': return self.tasks_local_content elif filepath == 'vars/main.yml': if len(self.vars_data) < 1: return "---\n# defaults file for {role_name}\n".format( else: return yaml.dump(self.vars_data, width=120, indent=4, default_flow_style=False) elif filepath == '': return self._generate_readme_content() elif filepath == 'defaults/main.yml': return self._generate_defaults_content() elif filepath == 'meta/main.yml': return self._generate_meta_content()
def _generate_readme_content(self): with, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f: readme_template = local_readme_content = readme_template.replace( "@DESCRIPTION@", self.description_md) local_readme_content = local_readme_content.replace( "@TITLE@", self.title) local_readme_content = local_readme_content.replace( "@MIN_ANSIBLE_VERSION@", ssg.ansible.min_ansible_version) local_readme_content = local_readme_content.replace( "@ROLE_NAME@", return local_readme_content def _generate_meta_content(self): with open(META_TEMPLATE_PATH, 'r') as f: meta_template = local_meta_content = meta_template.replace( "@ROLE_NAME@", local_meta_content = local_meta_content.replace( "@DESCRIPTION@", self.title) local_meta_content = local_meta_content.replace( "@PLATFORM_VERSION@", self.platform_version) local_meta_content = local_meta_content.replace( "@GALAXY_TAGS@", yaml.dump(self._update_galaxy_tags).replace("- ", " - ")) return local_meta_content.replace( "@MIN_ANSIBLE_VERSION@", ssg.ansible.min_ansible_version) def _generate_defaults_content(self): default_vars_to_add = sorted(self.added_variables) default_vars_local_content = yaml.dump(self.default_vars_data, width=120, indent=4, default_flow_style=False) header = [ "---", "# defaults file for {role_name}\n".format(, ] lines = ["{var_name}: true".format(var_name=var_name) for var_name in default_vars_to_add] lines.append("") return ("%s%s%s" % ("\n".join(header), default_vars_local_content, "\n".join(lines)))
[docs] def save_to_disk(self, directory): print("Converting Ansible Playbook {} to Ansible Role {}".format(self._local_playbook_filename, os.path.join(directory, for filename in self.PRODUCED_FILES: abs_path = os.path.join(directory,, filename) mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(abs_path)) open(abs_path, 'wb').write(self.file(filename).encode("utf-8"))
[docs] class RoleGithubUpdater(object): def __init__(self, repo, local_playbook_filename): self.remote_repo = repo self.role = PlaybookToRoleConverter(local_playbook_filename) def _local_content(self, filepath): new_content = self.role.file(filepath) return new_content def _get_blob_content(self, branch, path_name): """ see: """ ref = self.remote_repo.get_git_ref(f'heads/{branch}') tree = self.remote_repo.get_git_tree(ref.object.sha, recursive='/' in path_name).tree sha = [x.sha for x in tree if x.path == path_name] if not sha: return None blob = self.remote_repo.get_git_blob(sha[0]) import base64 b64 = base64.b64decode(blob.content) return (b64.decode("utf8"), sha[0]) def _get_contents(self, path_name, branch='main'): """ First try to use traditional's github API to get package contents, since this API can't fetch file size more than 1MB, use another API when failed. """ content = self.remote_repo.get_contents(path_name, ref=branch) if content.content: return (content.decoded_content.decode("utf-8"), content.sha) blob = self._get_blob_content(branch, path_name) if blob is None: raise UnknownObjectException( 'unable to locate file: ' + path_name + ' in branch: ' + branch) return blob def _remote_content(self, filepath): # We want the raw string to compare against _local_content # New repos use main instead of master branch = 'master' if "rhel9" in self.remote_repo.full_name: branch = 'main' content, sha = self._get_contents(filepath, branch) return content, sha def _update_content_if_needed(self, filepath): remote_content, sha = self._remote_content(filepath) if self._local_content(filepath) != remote_content: self.remote_repo.update_file( filepath, "Updated " + filepath, self._local_content(filepath), sha, author=InputGitAuthor( GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_NAME, GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL) ) print("Updating %s in %s" % (filepath,
[docs] def update_repository(self): print("Processing %s..." % for path in PlaybookToRoleConverter.PRODUCED_FILES: self._update_content_if_needed(path) repo_description = ( "{title} - Ansible role generated from ComplianceAsCode Project" .format(title=self.role.title)) self.remote_repo.edit(, description=repo_description, homepage="", )
[docs] def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Generates Ansible Roles and pushes them to Github') parser.add_argument( "--build-playbooks-dir", help="Path to directory containing the generated Ansible Playbooks. " "Most likely this is going to be ./build/ansible. Defaults to {}".format(PLAYBOOK_ROOT), dest="build_playbooks_dir", default=PLAYBOOK_ROOT) parser.add_argument( "--dry-run", "-d", dest="dry_run", help="Do not push Ansible Roles to Github, store them only to the given local directory." ) parser.add_argument( "--organization", "-o", default=ORGANIZATION_NAME, help="Name of the Github organization to publish roles to. " "Defaults to {}.".format(ORGANIZATION_NAME)) parser.add_argument( "--profile", "-p", default=[], action="append", metavar="PROFILE", choices=PROFILE_ALLOWLIST, help="What profiles to upload, if not specified, upload all that are applicable.") parser.add_argument( "--product", "-r", default=[], action="append", metavar="PRODUCT", choices=PRODUCT_ALLOWLIST, help="What products to upload, if not specified, upload all that are applicable.") parser.add_argument( "--tag-release", "-n", default=False, action="store_true", help="Tag a new release in GitHub. Defaults to False.") parser.add_argument( "--token", "-t", dest="token", help="GitHub token used for organization authorization") return parser.parse_args()
[docs] def locally_clone_and_init_repositories(organization, repo_list): temp_dir = mkdtemp() current_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(temp_dir) try: for repo in repo_list: clone_and_init_repository(temp_dir, organization, repo) finally: os.chdir(current_dir) shutil.rmtree(temp_dir)
[docs] def select_roles_to_upload(product_allowlist, profile_allowlist, build_playbooks_dir): selected_roles = dict() for filename in sorted(os.listdir(build_playbooks_dir)): root, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if ext == ".yml": # the format is product-playbook-profile.yml product, _, profile = root.split("-", 2) if product in product_allowlist and profile in profile_allowlist: role_name = "ansible-role-%s-%s" % (product, profile) selected_roles[role_name] = (product, profile) return selected_roles
[docs] def main(): args = parse_args() product_allowlist = set(PRODUCT_ALLOWLIST) profile_allowlist = set(PROFILE_ALLOWLIST) potential_roles = { ("ansible-role-%s-%s" % (product, profile)) for product in product_allowlist for profile in profile_allowlist } if args.product: product_allowlist &= set(args.product) if args.profile: profile_allowlist &= set(args.profile) selected_roles = select_roles_to_upload( product_allowlist, profile_allowlist, args.build_playbooks_dir ) if args.dry_run: for product_profile in selected_roles.values(): playbook_filename = "%s-playbook-%s.yml" % product_profile playbook_full_path = os.path.join( args.build_playbooks_dir, playbook_filename) PlaybookToRoleConverter(playbook_full_path).save_to_disk(args.dry_run) else: if not args.token: print("Input your GitHub credentials:") username = input("username or token: ") password = getpass.getpass("password (or empty for token): ") else: username = args.token password = "" github = Github(username, password) github_org = github.get_organization(args.organization) github_repositories = [ for repo in github_org.get_repos()] # Create empty repositories github_new_repos = sorted(list(set(map(str.lower, selected_roles.keys())) - set(map(str.lower, github_repositories)))) if github_new_repos: create_empty_repositories(github_new_repos, github_org) locally_clone_and_init_repositories(args.organization, github_new_repos) # Update repositories for repo in sorted(github_org.get_repos(), key=lambda repo: if in selected_roles: playbook_filename = "%s-playbook-%s.yml" % selected_roles[] playbook_full_path = os.path.join( args.build_playbooks_dir, playbook_filename) RoleGithubUpdater(repo, playbook_full_path).update_repository() if args.tag_release: update_repo_release(github, repo) elif not in potential_roles: print("Repo '%s' is not managed by this script. " "It may need to be deleted, please verify and do that " "manually!" %, file=sys.stderr)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()