
This flowchart represents the high-level interaction of components under the shared folder.

Note that colors are used to highlight components which interact with other folders under the content repository.

NOTE: Since the colors have only visual effects when presented in individual flowcharts, they are very useful when analyzing multiple flowcharts together.

flowchart TD subgraph shared 30[shared] --> |defines| 31(jinja2 macros) 31(jinja2 macros) --> |written at| 32[macros-name.jinja] 30[shared] --> |contains| 33[applicability] 33[applicability] --> |written at| 34[category_name.yml] 34[category_name.yml] --> |refers to| 37[check_name.xml] 30[shared] --> |contains| 35[checks] 35[checks] --> |instructed using| 36([OVAL + XCCDF]) 36([OVAL + XCCDF]) --> |written at| 37[check_name.xml] 30[shared] --> |contains| 38[templates] 38[templates] --> |identified by| 39[template_name] 39[template_name] --> |supports| 40(languages) 40(languages) --> |informed at| 41[template.yml] 40(languages) --> |written at| 42[language.template] 42[language.template] --> |may use| 31(jinja2 macros) 39[template_name] --> |may have| 43(processing scripts) 43(processing scripts) --> |written at| 44[] 39[template_name] --> |may have| 45[tests] 30[shared] --> |contains| 46[transforms] 46[transforms] --> |instructed using| 47([XSLT]) 47([XSLT]) --> |written at| 48[name.xslt] 46[transforms] --> |contains| 49(scripts) 49(scripts) --> |uses| 50(python or bash) 30[shared] --> |contains| 51[references] 51[references] --> |contains| 52(Available CCEs) 51[references] --> |contains| 53(Misc References) 30[shared] --> |contains| 54[images] end style 30 fill: #FFFF00,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px style 31 fill: #FFA07A,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px style 33 fill: #00BFFF,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px style 36 fill: #D3D3D3,stroke:#333 style 38 fill: #9370DB,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px style 37 fill: #1E90FF,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px style 47 fill: #D3D3D3,stroke:#333 style 40 fill: #A9A9A9,stroke:#333 style 43 fill: #A9A9A9,stroke:#333 style 45 fill: #32CD32,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px style 50 fill: #A9A9A9,stroke:#333 style 52 fill: #A9A9A9,stroke:#333 style 53 fill: #A9A9A9,stroke:#333