Source code for tests.missing_cces

from __future__ import print_function

import argparse
import os.path
import sys
import itertools

import ssg.xml
from ssg.build_renumber import _find_identcce
from ssg.constants import cce_uri, OSCAP_RULE, XCCDF12_NS

[docs] def match_profile(needle, haystack): start_string = "xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_profile_%s" % needle if haystack.startswith(start_string): return True return False
[docs] def good_profile(profile_id, filter_profiles): if len(filter_profiles) == 0: return True if len(list(filter(lambda x: match_profile(x, profile_id), filter_profiles))) == 0: return False return True
[docs] def get_selections_by_profile(benchmark, filter_profiles): selections = [] for profile in benchmark.findall(".//{%s}Profile" % (XCCDF12_NS)): if not good_profile(profile.get('id'), filter_profiles): continue selections.append(profile.findall(".//{%s}select" % (XCCDF12_NS))) return list(itertools.chain(*selections))
[docs] def get_selected_rules(benchmark, filter_profiles): rules = set() selections = get_selections_by_profile(benchmark, filter_profiles) for selection in selections: idref = selection.get("idref") selected = selection.get("selected") if idref.startswith(OSCAP_RULE) and selected == "true": rules.add(idref) return rules
[docs] def check_all_rules(root, filter_profiles): rules_missing_cce = [] root = ssg.xml.parse_file(args.datastream_path) for benchmark in root.findall(".//{%s}Benchmark" % (XCCDF12_NS)): selected_rules = get_selected_rules(benchmark, filter_profiles) for rule in benchmark.findall(".//{%s}Rule" % (XCCDF12_NS)): rule_id = rule.get("id") if rule_id not in selected_rules: continue match = _find_identcce(rule, XCCDF12_NS) if match is None: rules_missing_cce.append(rule_id) return rules_missing_cce
if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Checks the all rules that are part of at least one " "profile have a CCE assigned. " "Optionally with -p/--profiles provide comma-separated profile list to check against.") parser.add_argument( "datastream_path", help="Path to a SCAP source datastream") parser.add_argument( "-p", "--profiles", help="Comma-separated list to check for missing CCEs", default='', required=False) args = parser.parse_args() root = ssg.xml.parse_file(args.datastream_path) rules_missing_cce = check_all_rules(root, args.profiles.split(",")) ds = os.path.basename(args.datastream_path) if len(rules_missing_cce) > 0: print("The following rules in %s are missing CCEs:" % (ds)) for rule in rules_missing_cce: print(rule) sys.exit(1) else: print("%s is OK" % (ds))