Source code for ssg.xccdf

A couple generic XCCDF utilities used by and

Author: Martin Preisler <>

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

import re

from .constants import XCCDF12_NS

# if a profile ID ends with a string listed here we skip it
PROFILE_ID_SKIPLIST = ["test", "index", "default"]
# filler XCCDF 1.2 prefix which we will strip to avoid very long filenames
PROFILE_ID_PREFIX = ("^xccdf_org.*content_profile_")

[docs] def get_benchmark_id_title_map(input_tree): input_root = input_tree.getroot() ret = {} candidates = [] scrape_benchmarks(input_root, XCCDF12_NS, candidates) for _, elem in candidates: _id = elem.get("id") if _id is None: continue title = "<unknown>" for element in elem.findall("{%s}title" % (XCCDF12_NS)): title = element.text break ret[_id] = title return ret
[docs] def get_profile_choices_for_input(input_tree, benchmark_id, tailoring_tree): """Returns a dictionary that maps profile_ids to their respective titles. """ # Ideally oscap would have a command line to do this, but as of now it # doesn't so we have to implement it ourselves. Importing openscap Python # bindings is nasty and overkill for this. ret = {} def scrape_profiles(root_element, namespace, dest): candidates = \ list(root_element.findall(".//{%s}Benchmark" % (namespace))) if root_element.tag == "{%s}Benchmark" % (namespace): candidates.append(root_element) for benchmark in candidates: if benchmark.get("id") != benchmark_id: continue for elem in benchmark.findall(".//{%s}Profile" % (namespace)): id_ = elem.get("id") if id_ is None: continue title = "<unknown>" for element in elem.findall("{%s}title" % (namespace)): title = element.text break dest[id_] = title input_root = input_tree.getroot() scrape_profiles( input_root, XCCDF12_NS, ret ) if tailoring_tree is not None: tailoring_root = tailoring_tree.getroot() scrape_profiles( tailoring_root, XCCDF12_NS, ret ) return ret
[docs] def get_profile_short_id(long_id): """If given profile ID is the XCCDF 1.2 long ID this function shortens it """ if, long_id): return long_id[, long_id).end():] return long_id
[docs] def scrape_benchmarks(root, namespace, dest): """ Add all benchmark elements in root to dest list """ dest.extend([ (namespace, elem) for elem in list(root.findall(".//{%s}Benchmark" % (namespace))) ]) if root.tag == "{%s}Benchmark" % (namespace): dest.append((namespace, root))