Source code for ssg.playbook_builder


import os
import re
import sys

from collections import OrderedDict

import ssg.rules
import ssg.utils
from ssg.utils import mkdir_p
import ssg.yaml
import ssg.build_yaml
import ssg.build_remediations
import ssg.environment
import ssg.products

COMMENTS_TO_PARSE = ["strategy", "complexity", "disruption"]

[docs] class PlaybookBuilder(): def __init__(self, product_yaml_path, input_dir, output_dir, rules_dir, profiles_dir, build_config_yaml): self.input_dir = input_dir self.output_dir = output_dir self.rules_dir = rules_dir self.build_config_yaml = build_config_yaml self.product_yaml_path = product_yaml_path product_yaml = ssg.products.Product(product_yaml_path) product_dir = product_yaml["product_dir"] relative_guide_dir = ssg.utils.required_key(product_yaml, "benchmark_root") self.guide_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(product_dir, relative_guide_dir)) self.profiles_dir = profiles_dir additional_content_directories = product_yaml.get( "additional_content_directories", []) self.add_content_dirs = [os.path.abspath(os.path.join(product_dir, rd)) for rd in additional_content_directories]
[docs] def choose_variable_value(self, var_id, variables, refinements): """ Determine value of variable based on profile refinements. """ if refinements and var_id in refinements: selector = refinements[var_id] else: selector = "default" try: options = variables[var_id] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Variable '%s' doesn't exist." % var_id) try: value = options[selector] except KeyError: if len(options.keys()) == 1: # We will assume that if there is just one option that it could # be selected as a default option. value = list(options.values())[0] elif selector == "default": # If no 'default' selector is present in the XCCDF value, # choose the first (consistent with oscap behavior) value = list(options.values())[0] else: raise ValueError( "Selector '%s' doesn't exist in variable '%s'. " "Available selectors: %s." % (selector, var_id, ", ".join(options.keys())) ) return value
[docs] def get_data_from_snippet(self, snippet_yaml, variables, refinements): """ Extracts and resolves tasks and variables from Ansible snippet. """ xccdf_var_pattern = re.compile(r"\(xccdf-var\s+(\S+)\)") tasks = [] values = dict() for item in snippet_yaml: if isinstance(item, str): match = xccdf_var_pattern.match(item) if match: var_id = value = self.choose_variable_value(var_id, variables, refinements) values[var_id] = value else: raise ValueError("Found unknown item '%s'" % item) else: tasks.append(item) return tasks, values
[docs] def get_benchmark_variables(self): """ Get all variables, their selectors and values used in a given benchmark. Returns a dictionary where keys are variable IDs and values are dictionaries where keys are selectors and values are variable values. """ variables = dict() for cur_dir in [self.guide_dir] + self.add_content_dirs: variables.update(self._get_rules_variables(cur_dir)) return variables
def _get_rules_variables(self, base_dir): for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(base_dir): dirnames.sort() filenames.sort() for filename in filenames: root, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if ext == ".var": full_path = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) xccdf_value = ssg.build_yaml.Value.from_yaml(full_path) # Make sure that selectors and values are strings options = dict() for k, v in xccdf_value.options.items(): options[str(k)] = str(v) yield (xccdf_value.id_, options,) def _find_rule_title(self, rule_id): rule_path = os.path.join(self.rules_dir, rule_id + ".yml") rule_yaml = ssg.yaml.open_raw(rule_path) return rule_yaml["title"]
[docs] def create_playbook(self, snippet_path, rule_id, variables, refinements, output_dir): """ Creates a Playbook from Ansible snippet for the given rule specified by rule ID, fills in the profile values and saves it into output_dir. """ with open(snippet_path, "r") as snippet_file: snippet_str = fix = ssg.build_remediations.split_remediation_content_and_metadata(snippet_str) snippet_yaml = ssg.yaml.ordered_load(fix.contents) play_tasks, play_vars = self.get_data_from_snippet( snippet_yaml, variables, refinements ) if len(play_tasks) == 0: raise ValueError( "Ansible remediation for rule '%s' in '%s' " "doesn't contain any task." % (rule_id, snippet_path) ) tags = set() for task in play_tasks: tags |= set(task.pop("tags", [])) play = OrderedDict() play["name"] = self._find_rule_title(rule_id) play["hosts"] = "@@HOSTS@@" play["become"] = True if len(play_vars) > 0: play["vars"] = play_vars if len(tags) > 0: play["tags"] = sorted(list(tags)) play["tasks"] = play_tasks playbook = [play] playbook_path = os.path.join(output_dir, rule_id + ".yml") with open(playbook_path, "w") as playbook_file: # write remediation metadata (complexity, strategy, etc.) first for k, v in fix.config.items(): playbook_file.write("# %s = %s\n" % (k, v)) ssg.yaml.ordered_dump( playbook, playbook_file, default_flow_style=False )
[docs] def open_profile(self, profile_path): """ Opens and parses profile at the given profile_path. """ if not os.path.isfile(profile_path): raise RuntimeError("'%s' is not a file!\n" % profile_path) profile_id, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(profile_path)) if ext != ".profile": raise RuntimeError( "Encountered file '%s' while looking for profiles, " "extension '%s' is unknown. Skipping..\n" % (profile_path, ext) ) env_yaml = ssg.environment.open_environment(self.build_config_yaml, self.product_yaml_path) profile = ssg.build_yaml.Profile.from_yaml(profile_path, env_yaml) if not profile: raise RuntimeError("Could not parse profile %s.\n" % profile_path) return profile
[docs] def create_playbooks_for_all_rules_in_profile(self, profile, variables): """ Creates a Playbook for each rule selected in a profile from tasks extracted from snippets. Created Playbooks are parametrized by variables according to profile selection. Playbooks are written into a new subdirectory in output_dir. """ profile_rules = profile.get_rule_selectors() profile_refines = profile.get_variable_selectors() profile_playbooks_dir = os.path.join(self.output_dir, profile.id_) mkdir_p(profile_playbooks_dir) for rule_id in profile_rules: snippet_path = os.path.join(self.input_dir, rule_id + ".yml") if os.path.exists(snippet_path): self.create_playbook( snippet_path, rule_id, variables, profile_refines, profile_playbooks_dir )
[docs] def create_playbook_for_single_rule(self, profile, rule_id, variables): """ Creates a Playbook for given rule specified by a rule_id. Created Playbooks are parametrized by variables according to profile selection. Playbooks are written into a new subdirectory in output_dir. """ profile_rules = profile.get_rule_selectors() profile_refines = profile.get_variable_selectors() profile_playbooks_dir = os.path.join(self.output_dir, profile.id_) mkdir_p(profile_playbooks_dir) snippet_path = os.path.join(self.input_dir, rule_id + ".yml") if rule_id in profile_rules: self.create_playbook( snippet_path, rule_id, variables, profile_refines, profile_playbooks_dir ) else: raise ValueError("Rule '%s' isn't part of profile '%s'" % (rule_id, profile.id_))
[docs] def create_playbooks_for_all_rules(self, variables): profile_playbooks_dir = os.path.join(self.output_dir, "all") mkdir_p(profile_playbooks_dir) for rule in sorted(os.listdir(self.rules_dir)): rule_id, _ = os.path.splitext(rule) snippet_path = os.path.join(self.input_dir, rule_id + ".yml") if not os.path.exists(snippet_path): continue self.create_playbook( snippet_path, rule_id, variables, None, profile_playbooks_dir )
[docs] def build(self, profile_id=None, rule_id=None): """ Creates Playbooks for a specified profile. If profile is not given, creates playbooks for all profiles in the product. If the rule_id is not given, Playbooks are created for every rule. """ variables = self.get_benchmark_variables() profiles = {} for profile_file in sorted(os.listdir(self.profiles_dir)): profile_path = os.path.join(self.profiles_dir, profile_file) try: profile = self.open_profile(profile_path) except ssg.yaml.DocumentationNotComplete as e: msg = "Skipping incomplete profile {0}. To include incomplete " + \ "profiles, build in debug mode.\n" sys.stderr.write(msg.format(profile_path)) continue except RuntimeError as e: sys.stderr.write(str(e)) continue profiles[profile.id_] = profile if profile_id: to_process = [profile_id] else: to_process = list(profiles.keys()) for p in to_process: profile = profiles[p] if rule_id: self.create_playbook_for_single_rule(profile, rule_id, variables) else: self.create_playbooks_for_all_rules_in_profile( profile, variables) if not profile_id: # build playbooks for virtual '(all)' profile # this virtual profile contains all rules in the product self.create_playbooks_for_all_rules(variables)