Source code for ssg.id_translate

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

from .xml import ElementTree
from .constants import oval_namespace as oval_ns
from .constants import ocil_namespace as ocil_ns

def _split_namespace(tag):
    """returns a tuple of (namespace, tag),
    removing any fragment id from namespace

    if tag[0] == "{":
        namespace, name = tag[1:].split("}", 1)
        return (namespace.split("#", 1)[0], name)

    return (None, tag)

def _namespace_to_prefix(tag):
    namespace, _ = _split_namespace(tag)
    if namespace == ocil_ns:
        return "ocil"
    if namespace == oval_ns:
        return "oval"

    raise RuntimeError(
        "Error: unknown checksystem referenced in tag : %s" % tag

def _tagname_to_abbrev(tag):
    namespace, tag = _split_namespace(tag)
    if tag == "extend_definition":
        return tag
    # grab the last part of the tag name to determine its type
    tag = tag.rsplit("_", 1)[-1]
    if namespace == ocil_ns:
        return OCILTAG_TO_ABBREV[tag]
    if namespace == oval_ns:
        return OVALTAG_TO_ABBREV[tag]

    raise RuntimeError(
        "Error: unknown checksystem referenced in tag : %s" % tag

[docs] class IDTranslator(object): """This class is designed to handle the mapping of meaningful, human-readable names to IDs in the formats required by the SCAP checking systems, such as OVAL and OCIL.""" def __init__(self, content_id): self.content_id = content_id
[docs] def generate_id(self, tagname, name): return "%s:%s-%s:%s:1" % ( _namespace_to_prefix(tagname), self.content_id, name, _tagname_to_abbrev(tagname) )
[docs] def translate(self, tree, store_defname=False): for element in tree.iter(): idname = element.get("id") if idname: # store the old name if requested (for OVAL definitions) if store_defname and \ element.tag == "{%s}definition" % oval_ns: metadata = element.find("{%s}metadata" % oval_ns) if metadata is None: metadata = ElementTree.SubElement(element, "metadata") defnam = ElementTree.Element( "{%s}reference" % oval_ns, ref_id=idname, source=self.content_id) metadata.append(defnam) # set the element to the new identifier element.set("id", self.generate_id(element.tag, idname)) # continue if element.tag == "{%s}filter" % oval_ns: element.text = self.generate_id("{%s}state" % oval_ns, element.text) continue if element.tag == "{%s#independent}var_ref" % oval_ns: element.text = self.generate_id("{%s}variable" % oval_ns, element.text) continue if element.tag == "{%s}object_reference" % oval_ns: element.text = self.generate_id("{%s}object" % oval_ns, element.text) continue for attr in element.keys(): if attr in OVALREFATTR_TO_TAG.keys(): element.set(attr, self.generate_id( "{%s}%s" % (oval_ns, OVALREFATTR_TO_TAG[attr]), element.get(attr))) if attr in OCILREFATTR_TO_TAG.keys(): element.set(attr, self.generate_id( "{%s}%s" % (ocil_ns, OCILREFATTR_TO_TAG[attr]), element.get(attr))) if element.tag == "{%s}test_action_ref" % ocil_ns: element.text = self.generate_id("{%s}action" % ocil_ns, element.text) return tree
[docs] def translate_oval_document(self, oval_document, store_defname=False): oval_document.translate_id(self, store_defname) oval_document.validate_references() return oval_document