Source code for ssg.entities.profile

from collections import defaultdict

from .profile_base import Profile

[docs] class ResolvableProfile(Profile): def __init__(self, * args, ** kwargs): super(ResolvableProfile, self).__init__(* args, ** kwargs) self.resolved = False def _controls_ids_to_controls(self, controls_manager, policy_id, control_id_list): items = [controls_manager.get_control(policy_id, cid) for cid in control_id_list] return items
[docs] def resolve_controls(self, controls_manager): pass
[docs] def extend_by(self, extended_profile): self.update_with(extended_profile)
[docs] def apply_filter(self, rules_by_id): selections = [] for rid in self.selected: rule = rules_by_id[rid] if not self.rule_filter(rule): continue selections.append(rid) self.selected = selections
[docs] def resolve(self, all_profiles, rules_by_id, controls_manager=None): if self.resolved: return if controls_manager: self.resolve_controls(controls_manager) if self.extends: if self.extends not in all_profiles: msg = ( "Profile {name} extends profile {extended}, but " "only profiles {known_profiles} are available for resolution." .format(name=self.id_, extended=self.extends, known_profiles=list(all_profiles.keys()))) raise RuntimeError(msg) extended_profile = all_profiles[self.extends] extended_profile.resolve(all_profiles, rules_by_id, controls_manager) self.extend_by(extended_profile) self.selected = [s for s in set(self.selected) if s not in self.unselected] self.unselected = [] self.extends = None self.selected = sorted(self.selected) for rid in self.selected: if rid not in rules_by_id: msg = ( "Rule {rid} is selected by {profile}, but the rule is not available. " .format(rid=rid, profile=self.id_)) raise ValueError(msg) self.apply_filter(rules_by_id) self.resolved = True
[docs] class ProfileWithInlinePolicies(ResolvableProfile): def __init__(self, * args, ** kwargs): super(ProfileWithInlinePolicies, self).__init__(* args, ** kwargs) self.controls_by_policy = defaultdict(list)
[docs] def apply_selection(self, item): # ":" is the delimiter for controls but not when the item is a variable if ":" in item and "=" not in item: policy_id, control_id = item.split(":", 1) self.controls_by_policy[policy_id].append(control_id) else: super(ProfileWithInlinePolicies, self).apply_selection(item)
def _process_controls_ids_into_controls(self, controls_manager, policy_id, controls_ids): controls = [] for cid in controls_ids: if not cid.startswith("all"): controls.extend( self._controls_ids_to_controls(controls_manager, policy_id, [cid])) elif ":" in cid: _, level_id = cid.split(":", 1) controls.extend( controls_manager.get_all_controls_of_level(policy_id, level_id)) else: controls.extend( controls_manager.get_all_controls(policy_id)) return controls
[docs] def resolve_controls(self, controls_manager): self.policies = list(self.controls_by_policy.keys()) for policy_id, controls_ids in self.controls_by_policy.items(): controls = self._process_controls_ids_into_controls( controls_manager, policy_id, controls_ids) for c in controls: self.update_with(c)