Source code for tests.ssg_test_suite.oscap

from __future__ import print_function

import collections
import datetime
import json
import logging
import os.path
import re
import socket
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import xml.etree.ElementTree

from ssg.constants import OSCAP_PROFILE_ALL_ID

from ssg_test_suite.log import LogHelper
from ssg_test_suite import test_env
from ssg_test_suite import common

from ssg.shims import input_func

# Needed for compatibility as there is no TimeoutError in python2.
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
    TimeoutException = socket.timeout
    TimeoutException = TimeoutError


                         'fail': 2,
                         'error': 1,
                         'notapplicable': 0,
                         'fixed': 0}

_ANSIBLE_TEMPLATE = 'urn:xccdf:fix:script:ansible'
_BASH_TEMPLATE = 'urn:xccdf:fix:script:sh'
_XCCDF_NS = ''


[docs] def analysis_to_serializable(analysis): result = dict(analysis) for key, value in analysis.items(): if type(value) == set: result[key] = tuple(value) return result
[docs] def save_analysis_to_json(analysis, output_fname): analysis2 = analysis_to_serializable(analysis) with open(output_fname, "w") as f: json.dump(analysis2, f)
[docs] def triage_xml_results(fname): tree = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(fname) all_xml_results = tree.findall(".//{%s}rule-result" % _XCCDF_NS) triaged = collections.defaultdict(set) for result in list(all_xml_results): idref = result.get("idref") status = result.find("{%s}result" % _XCCDF_NS).text triaged[status].add(idref) return triaged
[docs] def get_file_remote(test_env, verbose_path, local_dir, remote_path): """Download a file from VM.""" # remote_path is an absolute path of a file on remote machine success = True logging.debug('Downloading remote file {0} to {1}' .format(remote_path, local_dir)) with open(verbose_path, "a") as log_file: try: test_env.scp_download_file(remote_path, local_dir, log_file) except Exception: logging.error('Failed to download file {0}'.format(remote_path)) success = False return success
[docs] def find_result_id_in_output(output): match ='result id.*$', output, re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE) if match is None: return None # Return the right most word of the match which is the result id. return[-1]
[docs] def get_result_id_from_arf(arf_path, verbose_path): command = ['oscap', 'info', arf_path] command_string = ' '.join(command) returncode, output = common.run_cmd_local(command, verbose_path) if returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError('{0} returned {1} exit code'. format(command_string, returncode)) res_id = find_result_id_in_output(output) if res_id is None: raise RuntimeError('Failed to find result ID in {0}' .format(arf_path)) return res_id
[docs] def single_quote_string(input): result = input for char in "\"'": result = result.replace(char, "") return "'{}'".format(result)
[docs] def generate_fixes_remotely(test_env, formatting, verbose_path): command_base = ['oscap', 'xccdf', 'generate', 'fix'] command_options = [ '--benchmark-id', formatting['benchmark_id'], '--profile', formatting['profile'], '--template', formatting['output_template'], '--output', '/{output_file}'.format(** formatting), ] command_operands = ['/{source_arf_basename}'.format(** formatting)] if 'result_id' in formatting: command_options.extend(['--result-id', formatting['result_id']]) command_components = command_base + command_options + command_operands command_string = ' '.join([single_quote_string(c) for c in command_components]) with open(verbose_path, "a") as log_file: test_env.execute_ssh_command(command_string, log_file)
[docs] def run_stage_remediation_ansible(run_type, test_env, formatting, verbose_path): """ Returns False on error, or True in case of successful Ansible playbook run.""" formatting['output_template'] = _ANSIBLE_TEMPLATE send_arf_to_remote_machine_and_generate_remediations_there( run_type, test_env, formatting, verbose_path) if not get_file_remote(test_env, verbose_path, LogHelper.LOG_DIR, '/' + formatting['output_file']): return False command = ( 'ansible-playbook', '-vvv', '-i', '{0},'.format(formatting['domain_ip']), '-u' 'root', '--ssh-common-args={0}'.format(' '.join(test_env.ssh_additional_options)), formatting['playbook']) command_string = ' '.join(command) returncode, output = common.run_cmd_local(command, verbose_path) # Appends output of ansible-playbook to the verbose_path file. with open(verbose_path, 'ab') as f: f.write('Stdout of "{}":'.format(command_string).encode("utf-8")) f.write(output.encode("utf-8")) if returncode != 0: msg = ( 'Ansible playbook remediation run has ' 'exited with return code {} instead of expected 0' .format(returncode)) LogHelper.preload_log(logging.ERROR, msg, 'fail') return False return True
def _get_bash_remediation_error_message_template(formatting): if "rule_id" in formatting: result = ( 'Bash remediation for rule {rule_id} '.format(** formatting) + 'has exited with these errors:\n{stderr}' ) elif "profile" in formatting: result = ( 'Bash remediation for profile {profile} '.format(** formatting) + 'has exited with these errors:\n{stderr}' ) else: msg = ( "There was an error during remediation, but the remediation context " "is unknown, which indicates a problem in the test suite.") raise RuntimeError(msg) return result
[docs] def run_stage_remediation_bash(run_type, test_env, formatting, verbose_path): """ Returns False on error, or True in case of successful bash scripts run.""" formatting['output_template'] = _BASH_TEMPLATE send_arf_to_remote_machine_and_generate_remediations_there( run_type, test_env, formatting, verbose_path) if not get_file_remote(test_env, verbose_path, LogHelper.LOG_DIR, '/' + formatting['output_file']): return False command_string = '/bin/bash -x /{output_file}'.format(** formatting) with open(verbose_path, "a") as log_file: error_msg_template = _get_bash_remediation_error_message_template(formatting) try: test_env.execute_ssh_command( command_string, log_file, error_msg_template=error_msg_template) except Exception as exc: LogHelper.preload_log(logging.ERROR, str(exc), 'fail') return False return True
[docs] def send_arf_to_remote_machine_and_generate_remediations_there( run_type, test_env, formatting, verbose_path): if run_type == 'rule': try: res_id = get_result_id_from_arf(formatting['source_arf'], verbose_path) except Exception as exc: logging.error(str(exc)) return False formatting['result_id'] = res_id with open(verbose_path, "a") as log_file: try: test_env.scp_upload_file(formatting["source_arf"], "/", log_file) except Exception: return False try: generate_fixes_remotely(test_env, formatting, verbose_path) except Exception as exc: logging.error(str(exc)) return False
[docs] def is_virtual_oscap_profile(profile): """ Test if the profile belongs to the so called category virtual from OpenSCAP available profiles. It can be (all) or other id we might come up in the future, it just needs to be encapsulated with parenthesis for example "(custom_profile)". """ if profile is not None: if profile == OSCAP_PROFILE_ALL_ID: return True else: if "(" == profile[:1] and ")" == profile[-1:]: return True return False
[docs] def process_profile_id(profile): # Detect if the profile is virtual and include single quotes if needed. if is_virtual_oscap_profile(profile): if PROFILE_ALL_ID_SINGLE_QUOTED: return "'{}'".format(profile) else: return profile else: return profile
[docs] class GenericRunner(object): def __init__(self, environment, profile, datastream, benchmark_id): self.environment = environment self.profile = profile self.datastream = datastream self.benchmark_id = benchmark_id self.arf_basename = '' self.arf_path = '' self.verbose_path = '' self.report_path = '' self.results_path = '' self.stage = 'undefined' self.clean_files = False self.create_reports = True self.manual_debug = False self._filenames_to_clean_afterwards = set() self.command_base = [] self.command_options = [] self.command_operands = [] # number of seconds to sleep after reboot of vm to let # the system to finish startup, there were problems with # temporary files created by Dracut during image generation interfering # with the scan self.time_to_finish_startup = 30 def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self._remove_files_to_clean() def _make_arf_path(self): self.arf_basename = self._get_arf_basename() self.arf_path = os.path.join(LogHelper.LOG_DIR, self.arf_basename) def _get_arf_basename(self): raise NotImplementedError() def _make_verbose_path(self): verbose_basename = self._get_verbose_basename() verbose_path = os.path.join(LogHelper.LOG_DIR, verbose_basename) self.verbose_path = LogHelper.find_name(verbose_path, '.verbose.log') def _get_verbose_basename(self): raise NotImplementedError() def _make_report_path(self): report_basename = self._get_report_basename() report_path = os.path.join(LogHelper.LOG_DIR, report_basename) self.report_path = LogHelper.find_name(report_path, '.html') def _get_report_basename(self): raise NotImplementedError() def _make_results_path(self): results_basename = self._get_results_basename() results_path = os.path.join(LogHelper.LOG_DIR, results_basename) self.results_path = LogHelper.find_name(results_path, '.xml') def _get_results_basename(self): raise NotImplementedError() def _generate_report_file(self): self.command_options.extend([ '--report', self.report_path, ]) self._filenames_to_clean_afterwards.add(self.report_path) def _wait_for_continue(self): """ In case user requests to leave machine in failed state for hands on debugging, ask for keypress to continue.""" input_func("Paused for manual debugging. Continue by pressing return.")
[docs] def prepare_online_scanning_arguments(self): self.command_options.extend([ '--benchmark-id', self.benchmark_id, '--profile', self.profile, '--progress', '--oval-results', ]) self.command_operands.append(self.datastream)
def _remove_files_to_clean(self): if self.clean_files: for fname in tuple(self._filenames_to_clean_afterwards): try: if os.path.exists(fname): os.remove(fname) except OSError: logging.error( "Failed to cleanup file '{0}'" .format(fname)) finally: self._filenames_to_clean_afterwards.remove(fname)
[docs] def run_stage(self, stage): self.stage = stage self._make_verbose_path() self._make_report_path() self._make_arf_path() self._make_results_path() self.command_base = [] self.command_options = ['--verbose', 'DEVEL'] self.command_operands = [] result = None if stage == 'initial': result = self.initial() elif stage == 'remediation': result = self.remediation() elif stage == 'final': result = else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown stage: {}.'.format(stage)) self._remove_files_to_clean() if result == 1: LogHelper.log_preloaded('pass') if self.clean_files: self._filenames_to_clean_afterwards.add(self.verbose_path) if stage in ['initial', 'remediation', 'final']: # We need the initial ARF so we can generate the remediation out of it later self._filenames_to_clean_afterwards.add(self.arf_path) elif result == 2: LogHelper.log_preloaded('notapplicable') else: LogHelper.log_preloaded('fail') if self.manual_debug: self._wait_for_continue() return result
@property def get_command(self): return self.command_base + self.command_options + self.command_operands
[docs] def make_oscap_call(self): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def initial(self): if self.create_reports and "--results-arf" not in self.command_options: self.command_options += ['--results-arf', self.arf_path] result = self.make_oscap_call() return result
[docs] def remediation(self): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def final(self): if self.create_reports and "--results-arf" not in self.command_options: self.command_options += ['--results-arf', self.arf_path] result = self.make_oscap_call() return result
[docs] def analyze(self, stage): triaged_results = triage_xml_results(self.results_path) triaged_results["stage"] = stage triaged_results["runner"] = self.__class__.__name__ return triaged_results
def _get_formatting_dict_for_remediation(self): formatting = { 'domain_ip': self.environment.domain_ip, 'profile': self.profile, 'datastream': self.datastream, 'benchmark_id': self.benchmark_id } formatting['source_arf'] = self._get_initial_arf_path() formatting['source_arf_basename'] = os.path.basename(formatting['source_arf']) return formatting
[docs] class ProfileRunner(GenericRunner): def _get_arf_basename(self, stage=None): if stage is None: stage = self.stage return '{0}-{1}-arf.xml'.format(self.profile, stage) def _get_initial_arf_path(self): return os.path.join(LogHelper.LOG_DIR, self._get_arf_basename("initial")) def _get_verbose_basename(self): return '{0}-{1}'.format(self.profile, self.stage) def _get_report_basename(self): return '{0}-{1}'.format(self.profile, self.stage) def _get_results_basename(self): return '{0}-{1}-results'.format(self.profile, self.stage)
[docs] def final(self): if == 'libvirt-based':"Rebooting domain '{0}' before final scan." .format(self.environment.domain_name)) self.environment.reboot()"Waiting for {0} seconds to let the system finish startup." .format(self.time_to_finish_startup)) time.sleep(self.time_to_finish_startup) return
[docs] def make_oscap_call(self): self.prepare_online_scanning_arguments() self._generate_report_file() returncode, self._oscap_output = self.environment.scan( self.command_options + self.command_operands, self.verbose_path) if self.create_reports: self.environment.arf_to_html(self.arf_path) if returncode not in [0, 2]: logging.error(('Profile run should end with return code 0 or 2 ' 'not "{0}" as it did!').format(returncode)) return False return True
[docs] class RuleRunner(GenericRunner): def __init__( self, environment, profile, datastream, benchmark_id, rule_id, script_name, dont_clean, no_reports, manual_debug): super(RuleRunner, self).__init__( environment, profile, datastream, benchmark_id, ) self.rule_id = rule_id self.short_rule_id = re.sub(r'.*content_rule_', '', self.rule_id) self.context = None self.script_name = script_name self.clean_files = not dont_clean self.create_reports = not no_reports self.manual_debug = manual_debug self._oscap_output = '' def _get_arf_basename(self, stage=None): if stage is None: stage = self.stage return '{0}-{1}-{2}-arf.xml'.format(self.short_rule_id, self.script_name, stage) def _get_initial_arf_path(self): return os.path.join(LogHelper.LOG_DIR, self._get_arf_basename("initial")) def _get_verbose_basename(self): return '{0}-{1}-{2}'.format(self.short_rule_id, self.script_name, self.stage) def _get_report_basename(self): return '{0}-{1}-{2}'.format(self.short_rule_id, self.script_name, self.stage) def _get_results_basename(self): return '{0}-{1}-{2}-results-{3}'.format( self.short_rule_id, self.script_name, self.profile, self.stage)
[docs] def make_oscap_call(self): self.prepare_online_scanning_arguments() if self.create_reports: self._generate_report_file() self.command_options.extend( ['--rule', self.rule_id]) returncode, self._oscap_output = self.environment.scan( self.command_options + self.command_operands, self.verbose_path) if self.create_reports: self.environment.arf_to_html(self.arf_path) return self._analyze_output_of_oscap_call()
[docs] def final(self): success = super(RuleRunner, self).final() success = success and self._analyze_output_of_oscap_call() return success
def _find_rule_result_in_output(self): # oscap --progress options outputs rule results to stdout in # following format: # xccdf_org....rule_accounts_password_minlen_login_defs:pass match = re.findall('{0}:(.*)$'.format(self.rule_id), self._oscap_output, re.MULTILINE) if not match: # When the rule is not selected, it won't match in output return "notselected" # When --remediation is executed, there will be two entries in # progress output, one for fail, and one for fixed, e.g. # xccdf_org....rule_accounts_password_minlen_login_defs:fail # xccdf_org....rule_accounts_password_minlen_login_defs:fixed # We are interested in the last one return match[-1] def _analyze_output_of_oscap_call(self): local_success = 1 # check expected result rule_result = self._find_rule_result_in_output() if rule_result == "notapplicable": msg = ( 'Rule {0} evaluation resulted in {1}' .format(self.rule_id, rule_result)) LogHelper.preload_log(logging.WARNING, msg, 'notapplicable') local_success = 2 return local_success if rule_result != self.context: local_success = 0 if rule_result == 'notselected': msg = ( 'Rule {0} has not been evaluated! ' 'Wrong profile selected in test scenario?' .format(self.rule_id)) else: msg = ( 'Rule evaluation resulted in {0}, ' 'instead of expected {1} during {2} stage ' .format(rule_result, self.context, self.stage) ) LogHelper.preload_log(logging.ERROR, msg, 'fail') return local_success def _get_formatting_dict_for_remediation(self): fmt = super(RuleRunner, self)._get_formatting_dict_for_remediation() fmt['rule_id'] = self.rule_id return fmt
[docs] def run_stage_with_context(self, stage, context): self.context = context return self.run_stage(stage)
[docs] class OscapProfileRunner(ProfileRunner):
[docs] def remediation(self): self.command_options += ['--remediate'] return self.make_oscap_call()
[docs] class AnsibleProfileRunner(ProfileRunner):
[docs] def initial(self): self.command_options += ['--results-arf', self.arf_path] return super(AnsibleProfileRunner, self).initial()
[docs] def remediation(self): formatting = self._get_formatting_dict_for_remediation() formatting['output_file'] = '{0}.yml'.format(self.profile) formatting['playbook'] = os.path.join(LogHelper.LOG_DIR, formatting['output_file']) return run_stage_remediation_ansible('profile', self.environment, formatting, self.verbose_path)
[docs] class BashProfileRunner(ProfileRunner):
[docs] def initial(self): self.command_options += ['--results-arf', self.arf_path] return super(BashProfileRunner, self).initial()
[docs] def remediation(self): formatting = self._get_formatting_dict_for_remediation() formatting['output_file'] = '{0}.sh'.format(self.profile) return run_stage_remediation_bash('profile', self.environment, formatting, self.verbose_path)
[docs] class OscapRuleRunner(RuleRunner):
[docs] def remediation(self): self.command_options += ['--remediate'] self.command_options += ['--results-arf', self.arf_path] return self.make_oscap_call()
[docs] def final(self): """ There is no need to run final scan again - result won't be different to what we already have in remediation step.""" return True
[docs] class BashRuleRunner(RuleRunner):
[docs] def initial(self): self.command_options += ['--results-arf', self.arf_path] return super(BashRuleRunner, self).initial()
[docs] def remediation(self): formatting = self._get_formatting_dict_for_remediation() formatting['output_file'] = '{0}.sh'.format(self.rule_id) success = run_stage_remediation_bash('rule', self.environment, formatting, self.verbose_path) return success
[docs] class AnsibleRuleRunner(RuleRunner):
[docs] def initial(self): self.command_options += ['--results-arf', self.arf_path] return super(AnsibleRuleRunner, self).initial()
[docs] def remediation(self): formatting = self._get_formatting_dict_for_remediation() formatting['output_file'] = '{0}.yml'.format(self.rule_id) formatting['playbook'] = os.path.join(LogHelper.LOG_DIR, formatting['output_file']) success = run_stage_remediation_ansible('rule', self.environment, formatting, self.verbose_path) return success
[docs] class Checker(object): def __init__(self, test_env): self.test_env = test_env self.executed_tests = 0 self.datastream = "" self.benchmark_id = "" self.remediate_using = "" self.benchmark_cpes = set() now = self.test_timestamp_str = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
[docs] def test_target(self): self.start() try: self._test_target() except KeyboardInterrupt:"Terminating the test run due to keyboard interrupt.") except RuntimeError as exc: logging.error("Terminating due to error: {msg}.".format(msg=str(exc))) except TimeoutException as exc: logging.error("Terminating due to timeout: {msg}".format(msg=str(exc))) finally: self.finalize()
[docs] def run_test_for_all_profiles(self, profiles, test_data=None): if len(profiles) > 1: with test_env.SavedState.create_from_environment(self.test_env, "prepared") as state: args_list = [(p, test_data) for p in profiles] state.map_on_top(self._run_test, args_list) elif profiles: self._run_test(profiles[0], test_data)
def _test_target(self): raise NotImplementedError() def _run_test(self, profile, test_data): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def start(self): self.executed_tests = 0 try: self.test_env.start() except Exception as exc: msg = ("Failed to start test environment '{0}': {1}" .format(, str(exc))) raise RuntimeError(msg)
[docs] def finalize(self): if not self.executed_tests: logging.warning("Nothing has been tested!") try: self.test_env.finalize() except Exception as exc: msg = ("Failed to finalize test environment '{0}': {1}" .format(, str(exc))) raise RuntimeError(msg)
REMEDIATION_PROFILE_RUNNERS = { 'oscap': OscapProfileRunner, 'bash': BashProfileRunner, 'ansible': AnsibleProfileRunner, } REMEDIATION_RULE_RUNNERS = { 'oscap': OscapRuleRunner, 'bash': BashRuleRunner, 'ansible': AnsibleRuleRunner, } REMEDIATION_RUNNER_TO_REMEDIATION_MEANS = { 'oscap': 'bash', 'bash': 'bash', 'ansible': 'ansible', }