Source code for utils.add_platform_rule


import argparse
import subprocess
import sys
import textwrap
import os
import time

from ssg.utils import mkdir_p

PROG_DESC = (''' Create and test content files for Kubernetes API checks.

This script is intended to help content writers create a new application check
for OCP4/Kubernetes.

- The 'create' subcommand creates the initial files for a new rule and fetches
  the raw URL of the object in question (unless you specify the URL).

- The 'test' subcommand builds your content locally and tests directly using an
  openscap podman container. The scan container will test against yaml files
  staged under --objectdir.

- The 'cluster-test' subcommand pushes the content to your cluster, and then
  runs a Platform scan for your rule with compliance-operator.

Example workflow:

$ utils/ create --rule=ocp_proxy_has_ca \
  --type="proxies.config" --name="cluster" \
  --yamlpath="" --match="[a-zA-Z0-9]*"
creating check for "/apis/" with yamlpath "" satisfying match of "[a-zA-Z0-9]*"
wrote applications/openshift/ocp_proxy_has_ca/rule.yml

$ mkdir -p /tmp/apis/
$ oc get proxies.config/cluster -o yaml > /tmp/apis/
$ utils/ test --rule=ocp_proxy_has_ca
testing rule ocp_proxy_has_ca locally

$ utils/ cluster-test --rule=ocp_proxy_has_ca
testing rule ocp_proxy_has_ca in-cluster
deploying compliance-operator
pushing image build to cluster
waiting for cleanup from previous test run
output from last phase check: LAUNCHING NOT-AVAILABLE
output from last phase check: RUNNING NOT-AVAILABLE
output from last phase check: AGGREGATING NOT-AVAILABLE
output from last phase check: DONE COMPLIANT


OCP_RULE_DIR = 'applications/openshift'
OSCAP_CMD_TEMPLATE = 'oscap xccdf eval --verbose %s --fetch-remote-resources --profile xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_profile_test --results-arf /tmp/report-arf.xml /content/ssg-ocp4-ds.xml'
PROFILE_PATH = 'products/ocp4/profiles/test.profile'

MOCK_VERSION = ('''status:
  - name: operator
  - name: openshift-apiserver

PLATFORM_RULE_BASE = ('''prodtype: ocp4

title: {TITLE}

description: {DESC}

rationale: TBD

identifiers: {{}}

severity: {SEV}

- general: |-
    {{{{{{ openshift_cluster_setting("{URL}") | indent(4) }}}}}}


YAML_TEMPLATE = ('''template:
  name: yamlfile_value
    ocp_data: "true"{ENTITY_CHECK}{CHECK_EXISTENCE}
    filepath: {URL}
    yamlpath: "{YAMLPATH}"
    - value: "{MATCH}"{CHECK_TYPE}

  name: yamlfile_value
    ocp_data: "true"{ENTITY_CHECK}{CHECK_EXISTENCE}
    filepath: {URL}
    yamlpath: "{YAMLPATH}"
    xccdf_variable: {VARIABLE}

NODE_RULE_BASE = ('''prodtype: ocp4

title: {TITLE}

platform: ocp4-node

description: {DESC}

rationale: TBD

identifiers: {{}}

severity: {SEV}


[docs] def operation_value(value): if value: return '\n operation: "pattern match"\n type: "string"' else: return ''
[docs] def entity_value(value): if value is not None: return '\n entity_check: "%s"' % value else: return ''
[docs] def check_existence_value(value): if value is not None: return '\n check_existence: "%s"' % value else: return ''
PROFILE_TEMPLATE = ('''documentation_complete: true title: 'Test Profile for {RULE_NAME}' platform: ocp4 description: Test Profile selections: - {RULE_NAME} ''') TEST_SCAN_TEMPLATE = ('''apiVersion: kind: ComplianceScan metadata: name: test spec: scanType: {TYPE} profile: {PROFILE} content: ssg-ocp4-ds.xml contentImage: image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/openshift-compliance/openscap-ocp4-ds:latest debug: true ''')
[docs] def needs_oc(func): def wrapper(args): if which('oc') is None: print('oc is required for this command.') return 1 return func(args) return wrapper
[docs] def needs_working_cluster(func): def wrapper(args): ret_code, output = subprocess.getstatusoutput( 'oc whoami') if ret_code != 0: print("* Error connecting to cluster") print(output) return ret_code return func(args) return wrapper
[docs] def which(program): fpath, fname = os.path.split(program) if fpath: if os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK): return program else: for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep): exe_file = os.path.join(path, program) if os.path.isfile(exe_file) and os.access(exe_file, os.X_OK): return exe_file return None
[docs] def createNodeRuleFunc(args): group_path = os.path.join(OCP_RULE_DIR, if if not os.path.isdir(group_path): print("ERROR: The specified group '%s' doesn't exist in the '%s' directory" % (, OCP_RULE_DIR)) return 0 rule_path = os.path.join(group_path, args.rule) rule_yaml_path = os.path.join(rule_path, 'rule.yml') mkdir_p(rule_path) with open(rule_yaml_path, 'w') as f: var_list = [ f" {k.strip()}" for k in args.template_vars.split(",")] processed_template_vars = "\n".join(var_list) f.write(NODE_RULE_BASE.format(TITLE=args.title, SEV=args.severity, IDENT=args.identifiers, DESC=args.description, TEMPLATE_NAME=args.template, TEMPLATE_VARS=processed_template_vars )) print('* Wrote ' + rule_yaml_path) return 0
[docs] @needs_oc def createPlatformRuleFunc(args): url = args.url retries = 0 namespace_flag = '' if args.namespace is not None: namespace_flag = '-n ' + args.namespace elif args.all_namespaces: namespace_flag = '-A' group_path = os.path.join(OCP_RULE_DIR, if if not os.path.isdir(group_path): print("ERROR: The specified group '%s' doesn't exist in the '%s' directory" % (, OCP_RULE_DIR)) return 0 rule_path = os.path.join(group_path, args.rule) while url is None and retries < 5: retries += 1 cmdstr = 'oc get %s' % (args.type) if cmdstr += ' ' + cmdstr += ' %s --loglevel=6' % (namespace_flag) print("Running: " + cmdstr) ret_code, output = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmdstr) if ret_code != 0: print('error running oc, check connection to the cluster: %d\n %s' % ( ret_code, output)) continue fetch_line = "" url_part = "" lines = output.splitlines() for line in lines: if 'GET' in line: fetch_line = line break if len(fetch_line) > 0: # extract the object url from the debug line full_url = fetch_line[fetch_line.index("GET"):].split(" ")[1] url_part = full_url[full_url.rfind("/api"):] if len(url_part) > 0 and '/api' in url_part: url = url_part if url is None: print('there was a problem finding the URL from the oc debug output. Hint: override this automatic check with --url') return 1 print('* Creating check for "%s" with yamlpath "%s" satisfying match of "%s"' % ( url, args.yamlpath, args.match)) rule_yaml_path = os.path.join(rule_path, 'rule.yml') mkdir_p(rule_path) with open(rule_yaml_path, 'w') as f: f.write(PLATFORM_RULE_BASE.format(URL=url, TITLE=args.title, SEV=args.severity, IDENT=args.identifiers, DESC=args.description, YAMLPATH=args.yamlpath, )) if args.match: f.write(YAML_TEMPLATE.format(URL=url, YAMLPATH=args.yamlpath, MATCH=args.match, NEGATE=str(args.negate).lower(), CHECK_TYPE=operation_value(args.regex), CHECK_EXISTENCE=check_existence_value(args.check_existence), ENTITY_CHECK=entity_value(args.match_entity))) else: f.write(YAML_TEMPLATE_W_VARIABLE.format(URL=url, YAMLPATH=args.yamlpath, VARIABLE=(args.variable), NEGATE=str(args.negate).lower(), CHECK_TYPE=operation_value(args.regex), CHECK_EXISTENCE=check_existence_value(args.check_existence), ENTITY_CHECK=entity_value(args.match_entity))) print('* Wrote ' + rule_yaml_path) return 0
[docs] def createTestProfile(rule): # create a solo profile for rule with open(PROFILE_PATH, 'w') as f: f.write(PROFILE_TEMPLATE.format(RULE_NAME=rule))
[docs] @needs_oc @needs_working_cluster def clusterTestFunc(args): print('* Testing rule %s in-cluster' % args.rule) findout = subprocess.getoutput( "find %s -name '%s' -type d" % (OCP_RULE_DIR, args.rule)) if findout == "": print('ERROR: no rule for %s, run "create" first' % args.rule) return 1 if not args.skip_deploy:"utils/") if not args.skip_build: createTestProfile(args.rule) print('* Pushing image build to cluster') # execute the build_ds_container script buildp = ['utils/', '-P', 'ocp4', 'rhcos4']) if buildp.returncode != 0: try: os.remove(PROFILE_PATH) except OSError: pass return 1 ret_code, _ = subprocess.getstatusoutput( 'oc delete compliancescans/test') if ret_code == 0: # if previous compliancescans were actually deleted, wait a bit to allow resources to clean up. print('* Waiting for cleanup from a previous test run') time.sleep(20) # create a single-rule scan print("* Running scan with rule '%s'" % args.rule) profile = 'xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_profile_test' apply_cmd = ['oc', 'apply', '-f', '-'] with subprocess.Popen(apply_cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) as proc: _, err = proc.communicate( input=TEST_SCAN_TEMPLATE.format(PROFILE=profile, TYPE=args.scantype).encode()) if proc.returncode != 0: print('Error applying scan object: %s' % err) try: os.remove(PROFILE_PATH) except OSError: pass return 1 # poll for the DONE result timeout = time.time() + 120 # A couple of minutes is generous for the platform scan. scan_result = None while True: ret_code, output = subprocess.getstatusoutput( 'oc get compliancescans/test -o template="{{.status.phase}} {{.status.result}}"') if output is not None: print('> Output from last phase check: %s' % output) if output.startswith('DONE'): scan_result = output[5:] break if time.time() >= timeout: break time.sleep(2) if scan_result is None: print('ERROR: Timeout waiting for scan to finish') return 1 print("* The result is '%s'" % scan_result) return 0
[docs] def testFunc(args): if which('podman') is None: print('podman is required') return 1 print('testing rule %s locally' % args.rule) if not args.skip_build: createTestProfile(args.rule) ret_code, out = subprocess.getstatusoutput('./build_product --datastream-only ocp4') if ret_code != 0: print('build failed: %s' % out) return 1 # mock a passing result for the implicit ocp4 version check version_dir = args.objectdir + '/apis/' mock_version_file = os.path.join(version_dir, 'openshift-apiserver') if not os.path.exists(mock_version_file): mkdir_p(version_dir) with open(mock_version_file, 'w') as f: f.write(MOCK_VERSION) oscap_cmd_opts = OSCAP_CMD_TEMPLATE % (args.verbosity) pod_cmd = 'podman run -it --security-opt label=disable -v "%s:/content" -v "%s:/kubernetes-api-resources" %s %s' % (args.contentdir, args.objectdir, OSCAP_TEST_IMAGE, oscap_cmd_opts) print(subprocess.getoutput(pod_cmd))
[docs] def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description=textwrap.dedent(PROG_DESC)) subparser = parser.add_subparsers( dest='subcommand', title='subcommands', help='pick one') create_parser = subparser.add_parser( 'create', help='Bootstrap the XML and YML files under %s for a new check.' % OCP_RULE_DIR) common_rule_args = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) common_rule_args.add_argument( '--rule', required=True, help='The name of the rule to create. Required.') common_rule_args.add_argument( '--group', default="", help='The group directory of the rule to create.') common_rule_args.add_argument( '--name', help='The name of the Kubernetes object to check.') common_rule_args.add_argument( '--title', help='A short description of the check.') common_rule_args.add_argument( '--description', help='A human-readable description of the provided matching criteria.') common_rule_args.add_argument( '--severity', default="unknown", help='the severity of the rule.') common_rule_args.add_argument( '--identifiers', default="TBD", help='an identifier for the rule (CCE number)') type_parser = create_parser.add_subparsers(dest='rule types', title='Creates a rule', help='Types of rules') platform_parser = type_parser.add_parser('platform', help='Creates a Platform rule', parents=[common_rule_args]) platform_parser.add_argument('--yamlpath', help='The yaml-path of the element to match against.') value_or_variable = platform_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() value_or_variable.add_argument( '--match', help='A string value or regex providing the matching criteria. One of "match" or "variable" are required') value_or_variable.add_argument( '--variable', help='A string name of the XCCDF variable to with the value to check for. Mutually exclusive with "match" option') platform_parser.add_argument( '--namespace', help='The namespace of the Kubernetes object (optional for cluster-scoped objects)', default=None) platform_parser.add_argument( '--all-namespaces', action="store_true", help='The namespace of the Kubernetes object (optional for cluster-scoped objects)', default=False) platform_parser.add_argument( '--type', required=True, help='The type of Kubernetes object, e.g., configmap. Required.') platform_parser.add_argument( '--url', help='The direct api path (metadata.selfLink) of the object, which overrides --type --name and --namespace options.') platform_parser.add_argument( '--regex', default=False, action="store_true", help='treat the --match value as a regex') platform_parser.add_argument( '--match-entity', help='the entity_check value to apply, i.e., "all", "at least one", "none exist"') platform_parser.add_argument( '--check-existence', help='check_existence` value for the `yamlfilecontent_test`.') platform_parser.add_argument( '--negate', default=False, action="store_true", help='negate the given matching criteria (does NOT match). Default is false.') platform_parser.set_defaults(func=createPlatformRuleFunc) node_parser = type_parser.add_parser('node', help='Creates a Node rule', parents=[common_rule_args]) node_parser.add_argument( '--template', help='The tempate to use in a Node rule') node_parser.add_argument( '--template-vars', help='The inputs for the template, coma separated') node_parser.set_defaults(func=createNodeRuleFunc) cluster_test_parser = subparser.add_parser( 'cluster-test', help='Test a rule on a running OCP cluster using the compliance-operator.') cluster_test_parser.add_argument( '--rule', required=True, help='The name of the rule to test. Required.') cluster_test_parser.add_argument( '--skip-deploy', default=False, action="store_true", help='Skip deploying the compliance-operator. Default is to deploy.') cluster_test_parser.add_argument( '--skip-build', default=False, action="store_true", help='Skip building and pushing the datastream. Default is true.') cluster_test_parser.add_argument( '--scan-type', help='Type of scan to execute.', dest="scantype", default="Platform", choices=["Node", "Platform"]) cluster_test_parser.set_defaults(func=clusterTestFunc) test_parser = subparser.add_parser( 'test', help='Test a rule locally against a directory of mocked object files using podman and an oscap container.') test_parser.add_argument('--rule', required=True, help='The name of the rule to test.') test_parser.add_argument( '--contentdir', default="./build", help='The path to the directory containing the datastream') test_parser.add_argument( '--skip-build', default=False, action="store_true", help='Skip building the datastream. Default is false.') test_parser.add_argument('--objectdir', default="/tmp", help='The path to a directory structure of yaml objects to test against.') test_parser.add_argument('--verbosity', default="INFO", choices=['INFO', 'DEVEL'], help='How verbose should OpenScap be') test_parser.set_defaults(func=testFunc) args = parser.parse_args() return args.func(args)
if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())