Source code for tests.ssg_test_suite.rule

from __future__ import print_function

import collections
import contextlib
import fnmatch
import itertools
import json
import logging
import math
import os
import os.path
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import tempfile

from ssg_test_suite import oscap
from ssg_test_suite import xml_operations
from ssg_test_suite import test_env
from ssg_test_suite import common
from ssg_test_suite.log import LogHelper

import ssg.templates

Rule = collections.namedtuple(
    ["directory", "id", "short_id", "template", "local_env_yaml", "rule"])

RuleTestContent = collections.namedtuple(
    "RuleTestContent", ["scenarios", "other_content"])


[docs] def get_viable_profiles(selected_profiles, datastream, benchmark, script=None): """Read datastream, and return set intersection of profiles of given benchmark and those provided in `selected_profiles` parameter. """ valid_profiles = [] all_profiles_elements = xml_operations.get_all_profiles_in_benchmark( datastream, benchmark, logging) all_profiles = [el.attrib["id"] for el in all_profiles_elements] all_profiles.append(OSCAP_PROFILE_ALL_ID) for ds_profile in all_profiles: if 'ALL' in selected_profiles: valid_profiles += [ds_profile] continue for sel_profile in selected_profiles: if ds_profile.endswith(sel_profile): valid_profiles += [ds_profile] if not valid_profiles: if script: logging.warning('Script {0} - profile {1} not found in datastream' .format(script, ", ".join(selected_profiles))) else: logging.warning('Profile {0} not found in datastream' .format(", ".join(selected_profiles))) return valid_profiles
[docs] def generate_xslt_change_value_template(value_short_id, new_value): XSLT_TEMPLATE = """<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:ds="" xmlns:xccdf-1.2=""> <xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="yes"/> <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/> <xsl:template match="node()|@*"> <xsl:copy> <xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*"/> </xsl:copy> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="ds:component/xccdf-1.2:Benchmark//xccdf-1.2:Value[@id='xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_value_{value_short_id}']/xccdf-1.2:value[not(@selector)]/text()">{new_value}</xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet>""" return XSLT_TEMPLATE.format(value_short_id=value_short_id, new_value=new_value)
def _apply_script(rule_dir, test_env, script): """Run particular test script on VM and log it's output.""" logging.debug("Applying script {0}".format(script)) rule_name = os.path.basename(rule_dir) log_file_name = os.path.join( LogHelper.LOG_DIR, rule_name + ".prescripts.log") with open(log_file_name, 'a') as log_file: log_file.write('##### {0} / {1} #####\n'.format(rule_name, script)) shared_dir = os.path.join(common.REMOTE_TEST_SCENARIOS_DIRECTORY, "shared") command = "cd {0}; SHARED={1} bash -x {2}".format(rule_dir, shared_dir, script) try: error_msg_template = ( "Rule '{rule_name}' test setup script '{script}' " "failed with exit code {{rc}}".format(rule_name=rule_name, script=script) ) test_env.execute_ssh_command( command, log_file, error_msg_template=error_msg_template) except RuntimeError as exc: logging.error(str(exc)) return False return True
[docs] class RuleChecker(oscap.Checker): """ Rule checks generally work like this - for every profile that supports that rule: - Alter the system. - Run the scan, check that the result meets expectations. If the test scenario passed as requested, return True, if it failed or passed unexpectedly, return False. The following sequence applies if the initial scan has failed as expected: - If there are no remediations, return True. - Run remediation, return False if it failed. - Return result of the final scan of remediated system. """ def __init__(self, test_env): super(RuleChecker, self).__init__(test_env) self.results = list() self._current_result = None self.remote_dir = "" self.target_type = "rule ID" self.used_templated_test_scenarios = collections.defaultdict(set) self.rule_spec = None self.template_spec = None self.scenarios_profile = None def _run_test(self, profile, test_data): scenario = test_data["scenario"] rule_id = test_data["rule_id"] remediation_available = test_data["remediation_available"] LogHelper.preload_log( logging.INFO, "Script {0} using profile {1} OK".format(scenario.script, profile), log_target='pass') LogHelper.preload_log( logging.WARNING, "Script {0} using profile {1} notapplicable".format(scenario.script, profile), log_target='notapplicable') LogHelper.preload_log( logging.ERROR, "Script {0} using profile {1} found issue:".format(scenario.script, profile), log_target='fail') runner_cls = oscap.REMEDIATION_RULE_RUNNERS[self.remediate_using] runner_instance = runner_cls( self.test_env, oscap.process_profile_id(profile), self.datastream, self.benchmark_id, rule_id, scenario.script, self.dont_clean, self.no_reports, self.manual_debug) with runner_instance as runner: initial_scan_res = self._initial_scan_went_ok(runner, rule_id, scenario.context) if not initial_scan_res: return False if initial_scan_res == 2: # notapplicable return True supported_and_available_remediations = self._get_available_remediations(scenario) if (scenario.context not in ['fail', 'error'] or not supported_and_available_remediations): return True if remediation_available: if not self._remediation_went_ok(runner, rule_id): return False return self._final_scan_went_ok(runner, rule_id) else: msg = ("No remediation is available for rule '{}'." .format(rule_id)) logging.warning(msg) return False def _initial_scan_went_ok(self, runner, rule_id, context): success = runner.run_stage_with_context("initial", context) self._current_result.record_stage_result("initial_scan", success) if not success: msg = ("The initial scan failed for rule '{}'." .format(rule_id)) logging.error(msg) return success def _is_remediation_available(self, rule): if xml_operations.find_fix_in_benchmark( self.datastream, self.benchmark_id,, self.remediate_using) is None: return False else: return True def _get_available_remediations(self, scenario): is_supported = set(['all']) is_supported.add( oscap.REMEDIATION_RUNNER_TO_REMEDIATION_MEANS[self.remediate_using]) supported_and_available_remediations = set( scenario.script_params['remediation']).intersection(is_supported) return supported_and_available_remediations def _remediation_went_ok(self, runner, rule_id): success = runner.run_stage_with_context('remediation', 'fixed') self._current_result.record_stage_result("remediation", success) if not success: msg = ("The remediation failed for rule '{}'." .format(rule_id)) logging.error(msg) return success def _final_scan_went_ok(self, runner, rule_id): success = runner.run_stage_with_context('final', 'pass') self._current_result.record_stage_result("final_scan", success) if not success: msg = ("The check after remediation failed for rule '{}'." .format(rule_id)) logging.error(msg) return success def _rule_matches_rule_spec(self, rule_short_id): rule_id = OSCAP_RULE + rule_short_id if 'ALL' in self.rule_spec: return True else: for rule_to_be_tested in self.rule_spec: # we check for a substring if rule_to_be_tested.startswith(OSCAP_RULE): pattern = rule_to_be_tested else: pattern = OSCAP_RULE + rule_to_be_tested if fnmatch.fnmatch(rule_id, pattern): return True return False def _rule_matches_template_spec(self, template): return True def _replace_platform_specific_packages(self, packages): """ Returns the provided package list with names updated according to the platform alternatives listed in platform_package_overrides product field """ product_yaml = common.get_product_context(self.test_env.product) platform_package_overrides = product_yaml["platform_package_overrides"] packages_with_alternatives = set() for package in packages: if package in platform_package_overrides and platform_package_overrides[package]: packages_with_alternatives.add(platform_package_overrides[package]) else: packages_with_alternatives.add(package) return packages_with_alternatives def _ensure_package_present_for_all_scenarios( self, test_content_by_rule_id): packages_required = set() for rule_test_content in test_content_by_rule_id.values(): for s in rule_test_content.scenarios: scenario_packages = s.script_params["packages"] packages_required.update(scenario_packages) if packages_required: packages_to_install = self._replace_platform_specific_packages(packages_required) common.install_packages(self.test_env, packages_to_install) def _prepare_environment(self, test_content_by_rule_id): try: self.remote_dir = common.send_scripts( self.test_env, test_content_by_rule_id) except RuntimeError as exc: msg = "Unable to upload test scripts: {more_info}".format(more_info=str(exc)) raise RuntimeError(msg) self._ensure_package_present_for_all_scenarios(test_content_by_rule_id) def _get_rules_to_test(self): """ Returns: List of named tuples Rule having these fields: directory -- absolute path to the rule "tests" subdirectory containing the test scenarios in Bash id -- full rule id as it is present in datastream short_id -- short rule ID, the same as basename of the directory containing the test scenarios in Bash template -- name of the template the rule uses local_env_yaml -- env_yaml specific to rule's own context rule -- rule class, contains information parsed from rule.yml """ # Here we need to perform some magic to handle parsing the rule (from a # product perspective) and loading any templated tests. In particular, # identifying which tests to potentially run involves invoking the # templating engine. # # Begin by loading context about our execution environment, if any. product = self.test_env.product product_yaml = common.get_product_context(product) all_rules_in_benchmark = xml_operations.get_all_rules_in_benchmark( self.datastream, self.benchmark_id) rules = [] for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in common.walk_through_benchmark_dirs( product): if not common.is_rule_dir(dirpath): continue short_rule_id = os.path.basename(dirpath) full_rule_id = OSCAP_RULE + short_rule_id if not self._rule_matches_rule_spec(short_rule_id): continue if full_rule_id not in all_rules_in_benchmark: # This is a problem only if the user specified the rules to be # tested explicitly using command line arguments if self.target_type == "rule ID": logging.warning( "Rule '{0}' isn't present in benchmark '{1}' in '{2}'" .format( full_rule_id, self.benchmark_id, self.datastream)) continue # Load the rule itself to check for a template. rule, local_env_yaml = common.load_rule_and_env( dirpath, product_yaml, product) # Before we get too far, we wish to search the rule YAML to see if # it is applicable to the current product. If we have a product # and the rule isn't applicable for the product, there's no point # in continuing with the rest of the loading. This should speed up # the loading of the templated tests. Note that we've already # parsed the prodtype into local_env_yaml if product and local_env_yaml['products']: prodtypes = local_env_yaml['products'] if "all" not in prodtypes and product not in prodtypes: continue tests_dir = os.path.join(dirpath, "tests") template_name = None if rule.template and rule.template['vars']: template_name = rule.template['name'] if not self._rule_matches_template_spec(template_name): continue result = Rule( directory=tests_dir, id=full_rule_id, short_id=short_rule_id, template=template_name, local_env_yaml=local_env_yaml, rule=rule) rules.append(result) return rules
[docs] def test_rule(self, state, rule, scenarios): remediation_available = self._is_remediation_available(rule) self._check_rule( rule, scenarios, self.remote_dir, state, remediation_available)
def _slice_sbr(self, test_content_by_rule_id, slice_current, slice_total): """ Returns only a subset of test scenarios, representing slice_current-th slice out of slice_total""" tuple_repr = [] for rule_id in test_content_by_rule_id: tuple_repr += itertools.product( [rule_id], test_content_by_rule_id[rule_id].scenarios) total_scenarios = len(tuple_repr) slice_low_bound = math.ceil(total_scenarios / slice_total * (slice_current - 1)) slice_high_bound = math.ceil(total_scenarios / slice_total * slice_current) new_sbr = {} for rule_id, scenario in tuple_repr[slice_low_bound:slice_high_bound]: try: new_sbr[rule_id].scenarios.append(scenario) except KeyError: scenarios = [scenario] other_content = test_content_by_rule_id[rule_id].other_content new_sbr[rule_id] = RuleTestContent(scenarios, other_content) return new_sbr def _find_tests_paths(self, rule, product_yaml): # Start by checking for templating tests templated_tests_paths = common.fetch_templated_tests_paths( rule, product_yaml) # Add additional tests from the local rule directory. Note that, # like the behavior in template_tests, this will overwrite any # templated tests with the same file name. local_tests_paths = common.fetch_local_tests_paths( for filename in local_tests_paths: templated_tests_paths.pop(filename, None) if self.target_type != "template" and not self.test_env.duplicate_templates: for filename in self.used_templated_test_scenarios[rule.template]: templated_tests_paths.pop(filename, None) self.used_templated_test_scenarios[rule.template] |= set( templated_tests_paths.keys()) return templated_tests_paths.values(), local_tests_paths.values() def _load_all_tests(self, rule): product_yaml = common.get_product_context(self.test_env.product) templated_tests_paths, local_tests_paths = self._find_tests_paths( rule, product_yaml) # All tests is a mapping from path (in the tarball) to contents # of the test case. This is necessary because later code (which # attempts to parse headers from the test case) don't have easy # access to templated content. By reading it and returning it # here, we can save later code from having to understand the # templating system. all_tests = dict() templated_tests = common.load_templated_tests( templated_tests_paths, rule.rule.template, rule.local_env_yaml) local_tests = common.load_local_tests( local_tests_paths, rule.local_env_yaml) all_tests.update(templated_tests) all_tests.update(local_tests) return all_tests def _get_rule_test_content(self, rule): all_tests = self._load_all_tests(rule) scenarios = [] other_content = dict() for file_name, file_content in all_tests.items(): scenario_matches_regex = r'.*\.[^.]*\.sh$' if, file_name): scenario = Scenario(file_name, file_content) scenario.override_profile(self.scenarios_profile) if scenario.matches_regex_and_platform( self.scenarios_regex, self.benchmark_cpes): scenarios.append(scenario) else: other_content[file_name] = file_content return RuleTestContent(scenarios, other_content) def _get_test_content_by_rule_id(self, rules_to_test): test_content_by_rule_id = dict() for rule in rules_to_test: rule_test_content = self._get_rule_test_content(rule) test_content_by_rule_id[] = rule_test_content sliced_test_content_by_rule_id = self._slice_sbr( test_content_by_rule_id, self.slice_current, self.slice_total) return sliced_test_content_by_rule_id def _test_target(self): rules_to_test = self._get_rules_to_test() source = self.rule_spec if not self.rule_spec: source = self.template_spec if not rules_to_test: logging.error("No tests found matching the {0}(s) '{1}'".format( self.target_type, ", ".join(source))) return test_content_by_rule_id = self._get_test_content_by_rule_id( rules_to_test) self._prepare_environment(test_content_by_rule_id) with test_env.SavedState.create_from_environment( self.test_env, "tests_uploaded") as state: for rule in rules_to_test: try: scenarios = test_content_by_rule_id[].scenarios self.test_rule(state, rule, scenarios) except KeyError: # rule is not processed in given slice pass def _check_rule(self, rule, scenarios, remote_dir, state, remediation_available): remote_rule_dir = os.path.join(remote_dir, rule.short_id) logging.debug("Testing rule directory {0}".format( args_list = [ (s, remote_rule_dir,, remediation_available) for s in scenarios ] state.map_on_top(self._check_and_record_rule_scenario, args_list) def _check_and_record_rule_scenario(self, scenario, remote_rule_dir, rule_id, remediation_available): self._current_result = common.RuleResult() self._current_result.conditions = common.Scenario_conditions(, self.test_env.scanning_mode, self.remediate_using, self.datastream) self._current_result.scenario = common.Scenario_run(rule_id, scenario.script) self._current_result.when = self.test_timestamp_str with self.copy_of_datastream(): self._check_rule_scenario(scenario, remote_rule_dir, rule_id, remediation_available) self.results.append(self._current_result.save_to_dict())
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def copy_of_datastream(self, new_filename=None): prefixed_name = common.get_prefixed_name("ds_modified") old_filename = self.datastream if not new_filename: descriptor, new_filename = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=prefixed_name, dir="/tmp") os.close(descriptor) shutil.copy(old_filename, new_filename) self.datastream = new_filename yield new_filename self.datastream = old_filename os.unlink(new_filename)
def _change_variable_value(self, varname, value): descriptor, xslt_filename = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="xslt-change-value", dir="/tmp") os.close(descriptor) template = generate_xslt_change_value_template(varname, value) with open(xslt_filename, "w") as fp: fp.write(template) descriptor, temp_datastream = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="ds-temp", dir="/tmp") os.close(descriptor) log_file_name = os.path.join(LogHelper.LOG_DIR, "env-preparation.log") with open(log_file_name, "a") as log_file: result = common.run_with_stdout_logging( "xsltproc", ("--output", temp_datastream, xslt_filename, self.datastream), log_file) if result.returncode: msg = ( "Error changing value of '{varname}': {stderr}" .format(varname=varname, stderr=result.stderr) ) raise RuntimeError(msg) os.rename(temp_datastream, self.datastream) os.unlink(xslt_filename) def _verify_rule_presence(self, rule_id, script, profiles): for profile_id in profiles: if profile_id == OSCAP_PROFILE_ALL_ID: continue rules_in_profile = xml_operations.get_all_rule_ids_in_profile( self.datastream, self.benchmark_id, profile_id, logging) short_rule_id = rule_id.replace(OSCAP_RULE, "") if short_rule_id not in rules_in_profile: logging.warning( "Rule {0} isn't part of profile {1} requested by " "script {2}.".format(rule_id, profile_id, script) ) return False return True def _check_rule_scenario(self, scenario, remote_rule_dir, rule_id, remediation_available): if not _apply_script( remote_rule_dir, self.test_env, scenario.script): logging.error("Environment failed to prepare, skipping test") self._current_result.record_stage_result("preparation", False) return if scenario.script_params["variables"]: for assignment in scenario.script_params["variables"]: varname, value = assignment.split("=", 1) self._change_variable_value(varname, value) self._current_result.record_stage_result("preparation", True) logging.debug('Using test script {0} with context {1}' .format(scenario.script, scenario.context)) profiles = get_viable_profiles( scenario.script_params['profiles'], self.datastream, self.benchmark_id, scenario.script) logging.debug("viable profiles are {0}".format(profiles)) if not self._verify_rule_presence(rule_id, scenario.script, profiles): return test_data = dict(scenario=scenario, rule_id=rule_id, remediation_available=remediation_available) self.run_test_for_all_profiles(profiles, test_data) self.executed_tests += 1
[docs] def finalize(self): super(RuleChecker, self).finalize() with open(os.path.join(LogHelper.LOG_DIR, "results.json"), "w") as f: json.dump(self.results, f)
[docs] class Scenario(): def __init__(self, script, script_contents): self.script = script self.context = self._get_script_context() self.contents = script_contents self.script_params = self._parse_parameters() def _get_script_context(self): """Return context of the script.""" result ='.*\.([^.]*)\.[^.]*$', self.script) if result is None: return None return def _parse_parameters(self): """Parse parameters from script header""" params = { 'profiles': [], 'templates': [], 'packages': [], 'platform': ['multi_platform_all'], 'remediation': ['all'], 'variables': [], } for parameter in params: found = r'^# {0} = (.*)$'.format(parameter), self.contents, re.MULTILINE) if found is None: continue if parameter == "variables": variables = [] for token in','): token = token.strip() if '=' in token: variables.append(token) else: variables[-1] += "," + token params["variables"] = variables else: splitted =',') params[parameter] = [value.strip() for value in splitted] if not params["profiles"]: params["profiles"].append(OSCAP_PROFILE_ALL_ID) logging.debug( "Added the {0} profile to the list of available profiles " "for {1}" .format(OSCAP_PROFILE_ALL_ID, self.script)) return params
[docs] def override_profile(self, scenarios_profile): if scenarios_profile: self.script_params['profiles'] = [scenarios_profile]
[docs] def matches_regex(self, scenarios_regex): if scenarios_regex is not None: scenarios_pattern = re.compile(scenarios_regex) if scenarios_pattern.match(self.script) is None: logging.debug( "Skipping script %s - it did not match " "--scenarios regex" % self.script ) return False return True
[docs] def matches_platform(self, benchmark_cpes): if self.context is None: return False if common.matches_platform( self.script_params["platform"], benchmark_cpes): return True else: logging.warning( "Script %s is not applicable on given platform" % self.script) return False
[docs] def matches_regex_and_platform(self, scenarios_regex, benchmark_cpes): return ( self.matches_regex(scenarios_regex) and self.matches_platform(benchmark_cpes))
[docs] def perform_rule_check(options): checker = RuleChecker(options.test_env) checker.datastream = options.datastream checker.benchmark_id = options.benchmark_id checker.remediate_using = options.remediate_using checker.dont_clean = options.dont_clean checker.no_reports = options.no_reports checker.manual_debug = options.manual_debug checker.benchmark_cpes = options.benchmark_cpes checker.scenarios_regex = options.scenarios_regex checker.slice_current = options.slice_current checker.slice_total = options.slice_total checker.keep_snapshots = options.keep_snapshots checker.rule_spec = checker.template_spec = None checker.scenarios_profile = options.scenarios_profile # check if target is a complete profile ID, if not prepend profile prefix if (checker.scenarios_profile is not None and not checker.scenarios_profile.startswith(OSCAP_PROFILE) and not oscap.is_virtual_oscap_profile(checker.scenarios_profile)): checker.scenarios_profile = OSCAP_PROFILE+options.scenarios_profile checker.test_target()