Source code for ssg.build_renumber

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import collections
import os

from .constants import (
    OSCAP_RULE, OSCAP_VALUE, oval_namespace, XCCDF12_NS, cce_uri, ocil_cs,
from .parse_oval import resolve_definition, find_extending_defs, get_container_groups
from .xml import parse_file, map_elements_to_their_ids

from .checks import get_content_ref_if_exists_and_not_remote
from .cce import is_cce_value_valid, is_cce_format_valid
from .utils import SSGError
from .xml import ElementTree as ET
oval_ns = oval_namespace
oval_cs = oval_namespace

[docs] class FileLinker(object): """ Bass class which represents the linking of checks to their identifiers. """ CHECK_SYSTEM = None CHECK_NAMESPACE = None def __init__(self, translator, xccdftree, checks, output_file_name): self.translator = translator self.checks_related_to_us = self._get_related_checks(checks) self.fname = self._get_input_fname() self.tree = None self.linked_fname = output_file_name self.linked_fname_basename = os.path.basename(self.linked_fname) self.xccdftree = xccdftree def _get_related_checks(self, checks): """ Returns a list of checks which have the same check system as this class. """ return [ch for ch in checks if ch.get("system") == self.CHECK_SYSTEM] def _get_fnames_from_related_checks(self): """ Returns a list of filenames from non-remote check content href attributes. """ checkfiles = set() for check in self.checks_related_to_us: # Include the file in the particular check system only if it's NOT # a remotely located file (to allow OVAL checks to reference http:// # and https:// formatted URLs) checkcontentref = get_content_ref_if_exists_and_not_remote(check) if checkcontentref is not None: checkfiles.add(checkcontentref.get("href")) return checkfiles def _get_input_fname(self): """ Returns the input filename referenced from the related check. Raises SSGError if there are more than one filenames related to this check system. """ fnames = self._get_fnames_from_related_checks() if len(fnames) > 1: msg = ("referencing more than one file per check system " "is not yet supported by this script.") raise SSGError(msg) return fnames.pop() if fnames else None
[docs] def save_linked_tree(self): """ Write internal tree to the file in self.linked_fname. """ assert self.tree is not None, \ "There is no tree to save, you have probably skipped the linking phase" ET.ElementTree(self.tree).write(self.linked_fname)
def _get_checkid_string(self): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def add_missing_check_exports(self, check, checkcontentref): pass
def _link_xccdf_checkcontentref(self, checkcontentref, checkexports): checkid = self.translator.generate_id( self._get_checkid_string(), checkcontentref.get("name")) checkcontentref.set("name", checkid) checkcontentref.set("href", self.linked_fname_basename) variable_str = "{%s}variable" % self.CHECK_NAMESPACE for checkexport in checkexports: newexportname = self.translator.generate_id( variable_str, checkexport.get("export-name")) checkexport.set("export-name", newexportname)
[docs] class OVALFileLinker(FileLinker): CHECK_SYSTEM = oval_cs CHECK_NAMESPACE = oval_ns def __init__(self, translator, xccdftree, checks, output_file_name): super(OVALFileLinker, self).__init__( translator, xccdftree, checks, output_file_name) self.oval_groups = None def _get_checkid_string(self): return "{%s}definition" % self.CHECK_NAMESPACE def _link_oval_tree(self): xccdf_to_cce_id_mapping = create_xccdf_id_to_cce_id_mapping(self.xccdftree) indexed_oval_defs = map_elements_to_their_ids( self.tree, ".//{0}".format(self._get_checkid_string())) defs_miss = get_oval_checks_extending_non_existing_checks(self.tree, indexed_oval_defs) if defs_miss: msg = ["Following extending definitions are missing:"] for missing, broken in transpose_dict_with_sets(defs_miss).items(): broken = [b.get("id") for b in broken] msg.append("\t'{missing}' needed by: {broken}" .format(missing=missing, broken=broken)) raise RuntimeError("\n".join(msg)) self._add_cce_id_refs_to_oval_checks(xccdf_to_cce_id_mapping) # Verify all by XCCDF referenced (local) OVAL checks are defined in OVAL file # If not drop the <check-content> OVAL checksystem reference from XCCDF self._ensure_by_xccdf_referenced_oval_def_is_defined_in_oval_file( indexed_oval_defs) check_and_correct_xccdf_to_oval_data_export_matching_constraints(self.xccdftree, self.tree) def _add_cce_id_refs_to_oval_checks(self, idmappingdict): """ For each XCCDF rule ID having <ident> CCE set and having OVAL check implemented (remote OVAL isn't sufficient!) add a new <reference> element into the OVAL definition having the following form: <reference source="CCE" ref_id="CCE-ID" /> where "CCE-ID" is the CCE identifier for that particular rule retrieved from the XCCDF file """ ovalrules = self.tree.findall(".//{0}".format(self._get_checkid_string())) for rule in ovalrules: ovalid = rule.get("id") assert ovalid is not None, \ "An OVAL rule doesn't have an ID" if ovalid not in idmappingdict: continue ovaldesc = rule.find(".//{%s}description" % self.CHECK_NAMESPACE) assert ovaldesc is not None, \ "OVAL rule '{0}' doesn't have a description, which is mandatory".format(ovalid) xccdfcceid = idmappingdict[ovalid] if is_cce_format_valid(xccdfcceid) and is_cce_value_valid(xccdfcceid): # Then append the <reference source="CCE" ref_id="CCE-ID" /> element right # after <description> element of specific OVAL check ccerefelem = ET.Element('{%s}reference' % self.CHECK_NAMESPACE, ref_id=xccdfcceid, source="CCE") metadata = rule.find(".//{%s}metadata" % self.CHECK_NAMESPACE) metadata.append(ccerefelem)
[docs] def get_nested_definitions(self, oval_def_id): processed_def_ids = set() queue = set([oval_def_id]) while queue: def_id = queue.pop() processed_def_ids.add(def_id) definition_tree = self.oval_groups["definitions"].get(def_id) if definition_tree is None: print("WARNING: Definition '%s' was not found, can't figure " "out what depends on it." % (def_id), file=sys.stderr) continue extensions = find_extending_defs(self.oval_groups, definition_tree) if not extensions: continue queue |= extensions - processed_def_ids return processed_def_ids
[docs] def add_missing_check_exports(self, check, checkcontentref): check_name = checkcontentref.get("name") if check_name is None: return oval_def = self.oval_groups["definitions"].get(check_name) if oval_def is None: return all_vars = set() for def_id in self.get_nested_definitions(check_name): extended_def = self.oval_groups["definitions"].get(def_id) if extended_def is None: print("WARNING: Definition '%s' was not found, can't figure " "out which variables it needs." % (def_id), file=sys.stderr) continue all_vars |= resolve_definition(self.oval_groups, extended_def) for varname in sorted(all_vars): export = ET.Element("{%s}check-export" % XCCDF12_NS) export.attrib["export-name"] = varname export.attrib["value-id"] = OSCAP_VALUE + varname check.insert(0, export)
def _ensure_by_xccdf_referenced_oval_def_is_defined_in_oval_file( self, indexed_oval_defs): # Ensure all OVAL checks referenced by XCCDF are implemented in OVAL file # Drop the reference from XCCDF to OVAL definition if: # * Particular OVAL definition isn't present in OVAL file, # * That OVAL definition doesn't constitute a remote OVAL # (@href of <check-content-ref> doesn't start with 'http' for xccdfid, rule in rules_with_ids_generator(self.xccdftree): # Search OVAL ID in OVAL document ovalid = indexed_oval_defs.get(xccdfid) if ovalid is not None: # The OVAL check was found, we can continue continue for check in rule.findall(".//{%s}check" % (XCCDF12_NS)): if check.get("system") != oval_cs: continue if get_content_ref_if_exists_and_not_remote(check) is None: continue # For local OVAL drop the reference to OVAL definition from XCCDF document # in the case: # * OVAL definition is referenced from XCCDF file, # * But not defined in OVAL file rule.remove(check)
[docs] class OCILFileLinker(FileLinker): CHECK_SYSTEM = ocil_cs CHECK_NAMESPACE = ocil_namespace def _get_checkid_string(self): return "{%s}questionnaire" % self.CHECK_NAMESPACE
def _find_identcce(rule, namespace=XCCDF12_NS): for ident in rule.findall("./{%s}ident" % namespace): if ident.get("system") == cce_uri: return ident return None
[docs] def rules_with_ids_generator(xccdftree): xccdfrules = xccdftree.findall(".//{%s}Rule" % XCCDF12_NS) for rule in xccdfrules: xccdfid = rule.get("id").replace(OSCAP_RULE, "") if xccdfid is None: continue yield xccdfid, rule
[docs] def create_xccdf_id_to_cce_id_mapping(xccdftree): # # Create dictionary having form of # # 'XCCDF ID' : 'CCE ID' # # for each XCCDF rule having <ident system=''>CCE-ID</ident> # element set in the XCCDF document xccdftocce_idmapping = {} for xccdfid, rule in rules_with_ids_generator(xccdftree): identcce = _find_identcce(rule) if identcce is None: continue xccdftocce_idmapping[xccdfid] = identcce.text return xccdftocce_idmapping
[docs] def get_nonexisting_check_definition_extends(definition, indexed_oval_defs): # TODO: handle multiple levels of referrals. # OVAL checks that go beyond one level of extend_definition won't be properly identified for extdefinition in definition.findall(".//{%s}extend_definition" % oval_ns): # Verify each extend_definition in the definition extdefinitionref = extdefinition.get("definition_ref") # Search the OVAL tree for a definition with the referred ID referreddefinition = indexed_oval_defs.get(extdefinitionref) if referreddefinition is None: # There is no oval satisfying the extend_definition referal return extdefinitionref return None
[docs] def get_oval_checks_extending_non_existing_checks(ovaltree, indexed_oval_defs): # Incomplete OVAL checks are as useful as non existing checks # Here we check if all extend_definition refs from a definition exists in local OVAL file definitions = ovaltree.find(".//{%s}definitions" % oval_ns) definitions_misses = collections.defaultdict(set) for definition in definitions: nonexisting_ref = get_nonexisting_check_definition_extends(definition, indexed_oval_defs) if nonexisting_ref is not None: definitions_misses[definition].add(nonexisting_ref) return definitions_misses
[docs] def transpose_dict_with_sets(dict_in): """ Given a mapping X: key -> set of values, produce a mapping Y of the same type, where for every combination of a, b for which a in X[b], the following holds: b in Y[a]. """ result = collections.defaultdict(set) for key, values in dict_in.items(): for val in values: result[val].add(key) return result
[docs] def check_and_correct_xccdf_to_oval_data_export_matching_constraints(xccdftree, ovaltree): """ Verify if <xccdf:Value> 'type' to corresponding OVAL variable 'datatype' export matching constraint:,69,313 is met. Also correct the 'type' attribute of those <xccdf:Value> elements where necessary in order the produced content to meet this constraint. To correct the constraint we use simpler approach - prefer to fix 'type' attribute of <xccdf:Value> rather than 'datatype' attribute of the corresponding OVAL variable since there might be additional OVAL variables, derived from the affected OVAL variable, and in that case we would need to fix the 'datatype' attribute in each of them. Define the <xccdf:Value> 'type' to OVAL variable 'datatype' export matching constraints mapping as specified in Table 16 of XCCDF v1.2 standard:,69,313 """ indexed_xccdf_values = map_elements_to_their_ids( xccdftree, ".//{%s}Value" % (XCCDF12_NS)) # Loop through all <external_variables> in the OVAL document ovalextvars = ovaltree.findall(".//{%s}external_variable" % oval_ns) if ovalextvars is None: return for ovalextvar in ovalextvars: # Verify the found external variable has both 'id' and 'datatype' set if 'id' not in ovalextvar.attrib or 'datatype' not in ovalextvar.attrib: msg = "Invalid OVAL <external_variable> found - either without 'id' or 'datatype'." raise SSGError(msg) ovalvarid = ovalextvar.get('id') ovalvartype = ovalextvar.get('datatype') # Locate the corresponding <xccdf:Value> with the same ID in the XCCDF xccdfvar = indexed_xccdf_values.get(ovalvarid) if xccdfvar is None: return xccdfvartype = xccdfvar.get('type') # Verify the found value has 'type' attribute set if xccdfvartype is None: msg = ( "Invalid XCCDF variable '{0}': Missing the 'type' attribute." .format(xccdfvar.get("id"))) raise SSGError(msg) # This is the required XCCDF 'type' for <xccdf:Value> derived # from OVAL variable 'datatype' and mapping above assert ovalvartype in OVAL_TO_XCCDF_DATATYPE_CONSTRAINTS, \ ('datatype not known: "%s" "%s known types "%s"' % (ovalvarid, ovalvartype, OVAL_TO_XCCDF_DATATYPE_CONSTRAINTS)) reqxccdftype = OVAL_TO_XCCDF_DATATYPE_CONSTRAINTS[ovalvartype] # Compare the actual value of 'type' of <xccdf:Value> with the requirement if xccdfvartype != reqxccdftype: # If discrepancy is found, issue a warning sys.stderr.write( "Warning: XCCDF 'type' of \"%s\" value does " "not meet the XCCDF value 'type' to OVAL " "variable 'datatype' export matching " "constraint! Got: \"%s\", Expected: \"%s\". " "Resetting it! Set 'type' of \"%s\" " "<xccdf:value> to '%s' directly in the XCCDF " "content to dismiss this warning!\n" % (ovalvarid, xccdfvartype, reqxccdftype, ovalvarid, reqxccdftype) ) # And reset the 'type' attribute of such a <xccdf:Value> to the required type xccdfvar.attrib['type'] = reqxccdftype
[docs] def verify_correct_form_of_referenced_cce_identifiers(xccdftree): """ In SSG benchmarks, the CCEs till unassigned have the form of e.g. "RHEL7-CCE-TBD" (or any other format possibly not matching the above two requirements) If this is the case for specific SSG product, drop such CCE identifiers from the XCCDF since they are in invalid format! """ xccdfrules = xccdftree.findall(".//{%s}Rule" % XCCDF12_NS) for rule in xccdfrules: identcce = _find_identcce(rule) if identcce is None: continue cceid = identcce.text if not is_cce_format_valid(cceid): msg = ( "Warning: CCE '{0}' is invalid for rule '{1}'. " "Removing CCE...".format(cceid, rule.get("id"))) raise SSGError(msg)