Source code for ssg.build_ovals

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

import os
import os.path
import sys
import re
from copy import deepcopy
import collections

from .build_yaml import Rule, DocumentationNotComplete
from .constants import oval_namespace as oval_ns
from .constants import oval_footer
from .constants import oval_header
from .constants import MULTI_PLATFORM_LIST
from .id_translate import IDTranslator
from .jinja import process_file_with_macros
from .rule_yaml import parse_prodtype
from .rules import get_rule_dir_id, get_rule_dir_ovals, find_rule_dirs_in_paths
from . import utils, products
from .utils import mkdir_p
from .xml import ElementTree, oval_generated_header

def _create_subtree(shorthand_tree, category):
    parent_tag = "{%s}%ss" % (oval_ns, category)
    parent = ElementTree.Element(parent_tag)
    for node in shorthand_tree.findall(".//{%s}def-group/*" % oval_ns):
        if node.tag is ElementTree.Comment:
        elif node.tag.endswith(category):
            append(parent, node)
    return parent

[docs] def expand_shorthand(shorthand_path, oval_path, env_yaml): shorthand_file_content = process_file_with_macros(shorthand_path, env_yaml) wrapped_shorthand = (oval_header + shorthand_file_content + oval_footer) shorthand_tree = ElementTree.fromstring(wrapped_shorthand.encode("utf-8")) header = oval_generated_header("test", "5.11", "1.0") skeleton = header + oval_footer root = ElementTree.fromstring(skeleton.encode("utf-8")) for category in ["definition", "test", "object", "state", "variable"]: subtree = _create_subtree(shorthand_tree, category) if list(subtree): root.append(subtree) id_translator = IDTranslator("test") root_translated = id_translator.translate(root) ElementTree.ElementTree(root_translated).write(oval_path)
def _check_is_applicable_for_product(oval_check_def, product): """Based on the <platform> specifier of the OVAL check determine if this OVAL check is applicable for this product. Return 'True' if so, 'False' otherwise""" product, product_version = utils.parse_name(product) # Define general platforms multi_platforms = ['<platform>multi_platform_all', '<platform>multi_platform_' + product] # First test if OVAL check isn't for 'multi_platform_all' or # 'multi_platform_' + product for multi_prod in multi_platforms: if multi_prod in oval_check_def and product in MULTI_PLATFORM_LIST: return True # Current SSG checks aren't unified which element of '<platform>' # and '<product>' to use as OVAL AffectedType metadata element, # e.g. Chromium content uses both of them across the various checks # Thus for now check both of them when checking concrete platform / product affected_type_elements = ['<platform>', '<product>'] for afftype in affected_type_elements: # Get official name for product (prefixed with content of afftype) product_name = afftype + utils.map_name(product) # Append the product version to the official name if product_version is not None: # Some product versions have a dot in between the numbers # While the prodtype doesn't have the dot, the full product name does if product == "ubuntu" or product == "macos": product_version = product_version[:2] + "." + product_version[2:] product_name += ' ' + product_version # Test if this OVAL check is for the concrete product version if product_name in oval_check_def: return True # OVAL check isn't neither a multi platform one, nor isn't applicable # for this product => return False to indicate that return False
[docs] def finalize_affected_platforms(xml_tree, env_yaml): """Depending on your use-case of OVAL you may not need the <affected> element. Such use-cases including using OVAL as a check engine for XCCDF benchmarks. Since the XCCDF Benchmarks use cpe:platform with CPE IDs, the affected element in OVAL definitions is redundant and just bloats the files. This function removes all *irrelevant* affected platform elements from given OVAL tree. It then adds one platform of the product we are building. """ for affected in xml_tree.findall(".//{%s}affected" % (oval_ns)): for platform in affected.findall("./{%s}platform" % (oval_ns)): affected.remove(platform) for product in affected.findall("./{%s}product" % (oval_ns)): affected.remove(product) final = ElementTree.SubElement( affected, "{%s}%s" % (oval_ns, utils.required_key(env_yaml, "type"))) final.text = utils.required_key(env_yaml, "full_name") return xml_tree
[docs] def oval_entities_are_identical(firstelem, secondelem): """Check if OVAL entities represented by XML elements are identical Return: True if identical, False otherwise Based on:""" # Per # and # ignore the differences in 'comment', 'version', 'state_operator', and # 'deprecated' attributes. Also ignore different nsmap, since all these # don't affect the semantics of the OVAL entities # Operate on copies of the elements (since we will modify # some attributes). Deepcopy will also reset the namespace map # on copied elements for us firstcopy = deepcopy(firstelem) secondcopy = deepcopy(secondelem) # Ignore 'comment', 'version', 'state_operator', and 'deprecated' # attributes since they don't change the semantics of an element for copy in [firstcopy, secondcopy]: for key in copy.keys(): if key in ["comment", "version", "state_operator", "deprecated"]: del copy.attrib[key] # Compare the equality of the copies if firstcopy.tag != secondcopy.tag: return False if firstcopy.text != secondcopy.text: return False if firstcopy.tail != secondcopy.tail: return False if firstcopy.attrib != secondcopy.attrib: return False if len(firstcopy) != len(secondcopy): return False return all(oval_entities_are_identical( fchild, schild) for fchild, schild in zip(firstcopy, secondcopy))
[docs] def oval_entity_is_extvar(elem): """Check if OVAL entity represented by XML element is OVAL <external_variable> element Return: True if <external_variable>, False otherwise""" return elem.tag == '{%s}external_variable' % oval_ns
element_child_cache = collections.defaultdict(dict)
[docs] def append(element, newchild): """Append new child ONLY if it's not a duplicate""" global element_child_cache newid = newchild.get("id") existing = element_child_cache[element].get(newid, None) if existing is not None: # ID is identical and OVAL entities are identical if oval_entities_are_identical(existing, newchild): # Moreover the entity is OVAL <external_variable> if oval_entity_is_extvar(newchild): # If OVAL entity is identical to some already included # in the benchmark and represents an OVAL <external_variable> # it's safe to ignore this ID (since external variables are # in multiple checks for clarity reasons) pass # Some other OVAL entity else: # If OVAL entity is identical, but not external_variable, the # implementation should be rewritten each entity to be present # just once sys.stderr.write("ERROR: OVAL ID '%s' is used multiple times " "and should represent the same elements.\n" % (newid)) sys.stderr.write("Rewrite the OVAL checks. Place the identical " "IDs into their own definition and extend " "this definition by it.\n") sys.exit(1) # ID is identical, but OVAL entities are semantically difference => # report and error and exit with failure # Fixes: else: if not oval_entity_is_extvar(existing) and \ not oval_entity_is_extvar(newchild): # This is an error scenario - since by skipping second # implementation and using the first one for both references, # we might evaluate wrong requirement for the second entity # => report an error and exit with failure in that case # See # # for a reproducer and what could happen in this case sys.stderr.write("ERROR: it's not possible to use the " + "same ID: %s " % newid + "for two " + "semantically different OVAL entities:\n") sys.stderr.write("First entity %s\n" % ElementTree.tostring(existing)) sys.stderr.write("Second entity %s\n" % ElementTree.tostring(newchild)) sys.stderr.write("Use different ID for the second entity!!!\n") sys.exit(1) else: element.append(newchild) element_child_cache[element][newid] = newchild
[docs] def check_oval_version(oval_version): """Not necessary, but should help with typos""" supported_versions = ["5.11"] if oval_version not in supported_versions: supported_versions_str = ", ".join(supported_versions) sys.stderr.write( "Suspicious oval version \"%s\", one of {%s} is " "expected.\n" % (oval_version, supported_versions_str)) sys.exit(1)
def _check_is_loaded(loaded_dict, filename, version): if filename in loaded_dict: if loaded_dict[filename] >= version: return True # Should rather fail, than override something unwanted sys.stderr.write( "You cannot override generic OVAL file in version '%s' " "by more specific one in older version '%s'" % (version, loaded_dict[filename]) ) sys.exit(1) return False def _create_oval_tree_from_string(xml_content): try: argument = oval_header + xml_content + oval_footer oval_file_tree = ElementTree.fromstring(argument) except ElementTree.ParseError as error: line, column = error.position lines = argument.splitlines() before = '\n'.join(lines[:line]) column_pointer = ' ' * (column - 1) + '^' sys.stderr.write( "%s\n%s\nError when parsing OVAL file.\n" % (before, column_pointer)) sys.exit(1) return oval_file_tree def _check_oval_version_from_oval(oval_file_tree, oval_version): for defgroup in oval_file_tree.findall("./{%s}def-group" % oval_ns): file_oval_version = defgroup.get("oval_version") if file_oval_version is None: # oval_version does not exist in <def-group/> # which means the OVAL is supported for any version. # By default, that version is 5.11 file_oval_version = "5.11" if tuple(oval_version.split(".")) >= tuple(file_oval_version.split(".")): return True def _check_rule_id(oval_file_tree, rule_id): for definition in oval_file_tree.findall( "./{%s}def-group/{%s}definition" % (oval_ns, oval_ns)): definition_id = definition.get("id") return definition_id == rule_id return False def _list_full_paths(directory): full_paths = [os.path.join(directory, x) for x in os.listdir(directory)] return sorted(full_paths)
[docs] class OVALBuilder: def __init__( self, env_yaml, product_yaml_path, shared_directories, build_ovals_dir): self.env_yaml = env_yaml self.product_yaml = products.Product(product_yaml_path) self.shared_directories = shared_directories self.build_ovals_dir = build_ovals_dir self.already_loaded = dict() self.oval_version = utils.required_key( env_yaml, "target_oval_version_str") self.product = utils.required_key(env_yaml, "product")
[docs] def build_shorthand(self, include_benchmark): if self.build_ovals_dir: mkdir_p(self.build_ovals_dir) all_checks = [] if include_benchmark: all_checks += self._get_checks_from_benchmark() all_checks += self._get_checks_from_shared_directories() document_body = "".join(all_checks) return document_body
def _get_checks_from_benchmark(self): product_dir = self.product_yaml["product_dir"] relative_guide_dir = utils.required_key(self.env_yaml, "benchmark_root") guide_dir = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(product_dir, relative_guide_dir)) additional_content_directories = self.env_yaml.get( "additional_content_directories", []) dirs_to_scan = [guide_dir] for rd in additional_content_directories: abspath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(product_dir, rd)) dirs_to_scan.append(abspath) rule_dirs = list(find_rule_dirs_in_paths(dirs_to_scan)) oval_checks = self._process_directories(rule_dirs, True) return oval_checks def _get_checks_from_shared_directories(self): # earlier directory has higher priority reversed_dirs = self.shared_directories[::-1] oval_checks = self._process_directories(reversed_dirs, False) return oval_checks def _process_directories(self, directories, from_benchmark): oval_checks = [] for directory in directories: if not os.path.exists(directory): continue oval_checks += self._process_directory(directory, from_benchmark) return oval_checks def _get_list_of_oval_files(self, directory, from_benchmark): if from_benchmark: oval_files = get_rule_dir_ovals(directory, self.product) else: oval_files = _list_full_paths(directory) return oval_files def _process_directory(self, directory, from_benchmark): try: context = self._get_context(directory, from_benchmark) except DocumentationNotComplete: return [] oval_files = self._get_list_of_oval_files(directory, from_benchmark) oval_checks = self._get_directory_oval_checks( context, oval_files, from_benchmark) return oval_checks def _get_directory_oval_checks(self, context, oval_files, from_benchmark): oval_checks = [] for file_path in oval_files: xml_content = self._process_oval_file( file_path, from_benchmark, context) if xml_content is None: continue oval_checks.append(xml_content) return oval_checks def _read_oval_file(self, file_path, context, from_benchmark): if from_benchmark or "checks_from_templates" not in file_path: xml_content = process_file_with_macros(file_path, context) else: with open(file_path, "r") as f: xml_content = return xml_content def _create_key(self, file_path, from_benchmark): if from_benchmark: rule_id = os.path.basename( (os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(file_path)))) oval_key = "%s.xml" % rule_id else: oval_key = os.path.basename(file_path) return oval_key def _process_oval_file(self, file_path, from_benchmark, context): if not file_path.endswith(".xml"): return None oval_key = self._create_key(file_path, from_benchmark) if _check_is_loaded(self.already_loaded, oval_key, self.oval_version): return None xml_content = self._read_oval_file(file_path, context, from_benchmark) if not self._manage_oval_file_xml_content( file_path, xml_content, from_benchmark): return None self.already_loaded[oval_key] = self.oval_version return xml_content def _check_affected(self, tree): definitions = tree.findall(".//{%s}definition" % (oval_ns)) for definition in definitions: def_id = definition.get("id") affected = definition.findall( "./{%s}metadata/{%s}affected" % (oval_ns, oval_ns)) if not affected: raise ValueError( "Definition '%s' doesn't contain OVAL 'affected' element" % (def_id)) def _manage_oval_file_xml_content( self, file_path, xml_content, from_benchmark): oval_file_tree = _create_oval_tree_from_string(xml_content) self._check_affected(oval_file_tree) if not _check_is_applicable_for_product(xml_content, self.product): return False if not _check_oval_version_from_oval(oval_file_tree, self.oval_version): return False if from_benchmark: self._benchmark_specific_actions( file_path, xml_content, oval_file_tree) return True def _benchmark_specific_actions( self, file_path, xml_content, oval_file_tree): rule_id = os.path.basename( (os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(file_path)))) self._store_intermediate_file(rule_id, xml_content) if not _check_rule_id(oval_file_tree, rule_id): msg = "ERROR: OVAL definition in '%s' doesn't match rule ID '%s'." % ( file_path, rule_id) print(msg, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) def _get_context(self, directory, from_benchmark): if from_benchmark: rule_path = os.path.join(directory, "rule.yml") rule = Rule.from_yaml(rule_path, self.env_yaml) context = self._create_local_env_yaml_for_rule(rule) else: context = self.env_yaml return context def _create_local_env_yaml_for_rule(self, rule): local_env_yaml = dict() local_env_yaml.update(self.env_yaml) local_env_yaml['rule_id'] = rule.id_ local_env_yaml['rule_title'] = rule.title prodtypes = parse_prodtype(rule.prodtype) local_env_yaml['products'] = prodtypes # default is all return local_env_yaml def _store_intermediate_file(self, rule_id, xml_content): if not self.build_ovals_dir: return output_file_name = rule_id + ".xml" output_filepath = os.path.join(self.build_ovals_dir, output_file_name) with open(output_filepath, "w") as f: f.write(xml_content)