Source code for ssg.build_derivatives

Common functions for enabling derivative products

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

import re
from .xml import ElementTree
from .constants import standard_profiles, OSCAP_VENDOR, PREFIX_TO_NS, oval_namespace
from .build_cpe import ProductCPEs
from .id_translate import IDTranslator
from .products import load_product_yaml

[docs] def add_cpes(elem, namespace, mapping): """ Adds derivative CPEs next to RHEL ones, checks XCCDF elements of given namespace. """ affected = False for child in list(elem): affected = affected or add_cpes(child, namespace, mapping) # precompute this so that we can affect the tree while iterating children = list(elem.findall(".//{%s}platform" % (namespace))) for child in children: idref = child.get("idref") if idref in mapping: new_platform = ElementTree.Element("{%s}platform" % (namespace)) new_platform.set("idref", mapping[idref]) # this is done for the newline and indentation new_platform.tail = child.tail index = list(elem).index(child) # insert it right after the respective RHEL CPE elem.insert(index + 1, new_platform) affected = True return affected
[docs] def add_cpe_item_to_dictionary(tree_root, product_yaml_path, cpe_ref, id_name, cpe_items_dir): cpe_list = tree_root.find(".//{%s}cpe-list" % (PREFIX_TO_NS["cpe-dict"])) if cpe_list: product_yaml = load_product_yaml(product_yaml_path) product_cpes = ProductCPEs() product_cpes.load_cpes_from_directory_tree(cpe_items_dir, product_yaml) cpe_item = product_cpes.get_cpe(cpe_ref) translator = IDTranslator(id_name) cpe_item.check_id = translator.generate_id("{" + oval_namespace + "}definition", cpe_item.check_id) cpe_list.append(cpe_item.to_xml_element("ssg-%s-cpe-oval.xml" % product_yaml.get("product")))
[docs] def add_notice(benchmark, namespace, notice, warning): """ Adds derivative notice as the first notice to given benchmark. """ index = -1 prev_element = None existing_notices = list(benchmark.findall("./{%s}notice" % (namespace))) if existing_notices: prev_element = existing_notices[0] # insert before the first notice index = list(benchmark).index(prev_element) else: existing_descriptions = list( benchmark.findall("./{%s}description" % (namespace)) ) prev_element = existing_descriptions[-1] # insert after the last description index = list(benchmark).index(prev_element) + 1 if index == -1: raise RuntimeError( "Can't find existing notices or description in benchmark '%s'." % (benchmark) ) elem = ElementTree.Element("{%s}notice" % (namespace)) elem.set("id", warning) elem.append(notice) # this is done for the newline and indentation elem.tail = prev_element.tail benchmark.insert(index, elem) return True
[docs] def remove_idents(tree_root, namespace, prod="RHEL"): """ Remove product identifiers from rules in XML tree """ ident_exp = '.*' + prod + '-*' ref_exp = prod + '-*' for rule in tree_root.findall(".//{%s}Rule" % (namespace)): for ident in rule.findall(".//{%s}ident" % (namespace)): if ident is not None: if ('CCE-*', ident.text) or, ident.text)): rule.remove(ident) for ref in rule.findall(".//{%s}reference" % (namespace)): if ref.text is not None: if, ref.text): rule.remove(ref) for fix in rule.findall(".//{%s}fix" % (namespace)): sub_elems = fix.findall(".//{%s}sub" % (namespace)) for sub_elem in sub_elems: sub_elem.tail = re.sub(r"[\s]+- CCE-.*", "", sub_elem.tail) sub_elem.tail = re.sub(r"CCE-[0-9]*-[0-9]*", "", sub_elem.tail) if fix.text is not None: fix.text = re.sub(r"[\s]+- CCE-.*", "", fix.text) fix.text = re.sub(r"CCE-[0-9]*-[0-9]*", "", fix.text)
[docs] def remove_cce_reference(tree_root, namespace): """ Remove CCE identifiers from OVAL checks in XML tree """ for definition in tree_root.findall(".//{%s}definition" % (namespace)): for metadata in definition.findall(".//{%s}metadata" % (namespace)): for ref in metadata.findall(".//{%s}reference" % (namespace)): if ('CCE-*', ref.get("ref_id"))): metadata.remove(ref)
[docs] def profile_handling(tree_root, namespace): ns_profiles = [] for i in standard_profiles: ns_profiles.append("xccdf_%s.content_profile_%s" % (OSCAP_VENDOR, i)) all_profiles = standard_profiles + ns_profiles for profile in tree_root.findall(".//{%s}Profile" % (namespace)): if profile.get("id") not in all_profiles: tree_root.remove(profile)
[docs] def replace_platform(tree_root, namespace, product): for oval in tree_root.findall(".//{%s}oval_definitions" % (namespace)): for platform in oval.findall(".//{%s}platform" % (namespace)): platform.text = (platform.text).replace("Red Hat Enterprise Linux", product)