How to Perform An Upstream Release (GitHub)

Stabilization Phase

Before each release we initiate a stabilization period which is typically two weeks long. A stabilization branch is branched from master and more extensive testing is done on the content. The goal is to have space and time to find and fix issues before the release. Everyone is welcome to test the stabilization branch and propose fixes.

This process reduces the risk of bringing a sudden breaking change into the release, and ultimately allows the release process to happen while development continues on master branch.

To start the stabilization:

  • Create a new branch called stabilization-vX.Y.Z, e.g.: stabilization-v0.1.61

  • Create a new milestone for the next version

  • Update the milestone of open pull requests to the new one, if they have any

  • Update the milestone of open issues to the new one, if they have any

  • Close the milestone for the current release. This makes the milestone less visible and reduces the chance of PRs and Issues being added to it accidentally. It is still possible to add items to the closed Milestone, just select it in the closed tab.

  • Bump the version of CMakeLists.txt on the master branch.

  • Announce the start of stabilization period on the mailing list

During the stabilization:

  • Run whatever extra tests you have and propose bug fixes to the stabilization branch

  • On Fridays, bring the fixes merged on stabilization branch to master.
    Propose a PR from stabilization branch to master.

Tests during Stabilization Phase

There is a GitHub Action hooked up with stabilization branch that will run a set of tests on every push.
Make sure that all these tests are passing before moving on with the release process.

Before the Release

  • Make sure the version in CMakeLists.txt is correct, i.e.: the version corresponds to an unreleased version number.

  • Run PYTHONPATH=. utils/ to update the contributors list. De-duplicate names if necessary.
    Make a commit and PR it.

    • Make sure you don’t have any uncommited changes, otherwise they may be lost during the release.

    • Make sure you have the master and stabilization branch checked out and up to date.


Everything necessary for the release is built by the release GitHub Action, which is triggered when a tag v*.*.* is pushed to the repository. This tag should point to the stabilization branch that is ready to be released.

This action will also create a release draft with release notes automatically generated. The way in which the action will categorize and break down changes is controlled by the .github/workflows/release-changelog.json configuration file.

The general rule is that the PR Titles will compose the body of the changelog.

  • Create and push a vX.Y.Z tag to the GitHub repo. Wait for the release action to finish.
    git tag vX.Y.Z stabilization-vX.Y.Z
    git push --tags

  • Check the release draft and update the release notes if necessary.

  • Publish the release.

In case there is a need to run the job again, delete the release draft and run the GitHb Action again.

Clean Up

  • Update the stable branch to point to the new release:
    git checkout stable
    git merge stabilization-vX.Y.Z

  • Delete the stabilization branch.

Announce It!

How to Perform A Downstream Build (Fedora)

Fedora Builds