Building ComplianceAsCode

Installing build dependencies

Required Dependencies

On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 make sure the packages cmake, openscap-utils, PyYAML, python-jinja2 and their dependencies are installed:

yum install cmake make openscap-utils PyYAML python-jinja2

On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 and Fedora the package list is the same but python2 packages need to be replaced with python3 ones:

yum install cmake make openscap-utils python3-pyyaml python3-jinja2

On Ubuntu and Debian, make sure the packages libopenscap8, libxml2-utils, python3-jinja2, python3-yaml, xsltproc and their dependencies are installed:

apt-get install cmake make expat libopenscap8 libxml2-utils ninja-build python3-jinja2 python3-yaml xsltproc

IMPORTANT: Version 1.0.8 or later of openscap-utils is required to build the content.

Git (Clone the Repository)

Install git if you want to clone the GitHub repository to get the source code:

# Fedora/RHEL
yum install git

# Ubuntu/Debian
apt-get install git

Shellcheck (Script Static Analysis)

Install the ShellCheck package to perform fix script static analysis:

# Fedora/RHEL
yum install ShellCheck

# Ubuntu/Debian
apt-get install shellcheck

Ansible Static Analysis packages

Install yamllint and ansible-lint packages to perform Ansible playbooks checks. These checks are not enabled by default in CTest, to enable them add -DANSIBLE_CHECKS=ON option to cmake.

# Fedora/RHEL
yum install yamllint ansible-lint

# Ubuntu/Debian (to install ansible-lint on Debian you will probably need to
# enable Debian Backports repository)
apt-get install yamllint ansible-lint

Ninja (Faster Builds)

Install the ninja build system if you want to use it instead of make for faster builds:

# Fedora/RHEL
yum install ninja-build

# Ubuntu/Debian
apt-get install ninja-build

json2html (HTML Report Statistics)

Install the json2html package if you want to generate HTML report statistics:

pip install json2html

Sphinx packages (Developer Documentation)

Install Sphinx packages if you want to generate HTML Documentation, from source directory run:

pip install -r docs/requirements.txt

Downloading the source code

Download and extract a tarball from the list of releases:

# change X.Y.Z for desired version
wget "$ssg_version/scap-security-guide-$ssg_version.tar.bz2"
tar -xvjf ./scap-security-guide-$ssg_version.tar.bz2
cd ./scap-security-guide-$ssg_version/

Or clone the GitHub repository:

git clone
cd content/
# (optional) select release version - change X.Y.Z for desired version
git checkout vX.Y.Z
# (optional) select latest development version
git checkout master


Building Everything

To build all the security content:

cd build/
cmake ../
# To build all security content
make -j4
# To build security content for one specific product, for example for *Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7*
make -j4 rhel7

Or use the build_product script from the base directory that removes whatever is in the build directory and builds a specific product:

./build_product rhel7

Building Specific Content

To build specific content for a specific product:

cd build/
cmake ../
make -j4 rhel7-content  # SCAP XML files for RHEL7
make -j4 rhel7-guides  # HTML guides for RHEL7
make -j4 rhel7-tables  # HTML tables for RHEL7
make -j4 rhel7-profile-bash-scripts  # remediation Bash scripts for all RHEL7 profiles
make -j4 rhel7-profile-playbooks # Ansible Playbooks for all RHEL7 profiles
make -j4 rhel7  # everything above for RHEL7

Configuring CMake options using GUI

Configure options before building using a GUI tool:

cd build/
cmake-gui ../
make -j4

Reproducible Builds

Set the environment variable SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH to generate reproducible builds. For details about the values and meaning of this variable please check this source:

cd build/
SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=1614699939 make

Using Ninja for Faster Builds

Use the ninja build system (requires the ninja-build package):

cd build/
cmake -G Ninja ../
ninja-build  # depending on the distribution just "ninja" may also work

Generating Statistics for Products and Profiles

Text Output

Generate statistics for products and profiles. Some of the statistics generated are: implemented OVAL, bash, Ansible for rules, missing CCE, etc:

cd build/
cmake ../
make -j4 stats # display statistics in text format for all products
make -j4 profile-stats # display statistics in text format for all profiles in all products

You can also create statistics per product. Prepend the product name (e.g.: rhel7-stats) to the make target.

HTML Output

To generate an HTML output, run a similar command:

cd build/
cmake ../
make -j4 html-stats # generate statistics for all products, as a result <product>/product-statistics/statistics.html file is created.
make -j4 html-profile-stats # generate statistics for all profiles in all products, as a result <product>/profile-statistics/statistics.html file is created

If you want to go deeper into statistics, refer to Profile Statistics and Utilities section.

Generating Sphinx Documentation

Generate HTML documentation of the project that includes developer documentation, supported Jinja Macros documentation, python modules documentation, SSG Test Suite documentation and release tools documentation:

cd build/
cmake ../
make -j4 docs # check docs/index.html file

Building compliant SCAP 1.2 content

By default, the build system builds SCAP content with OVAL 5.11. This means that the SCAP 1.3 datastream conforms to SCAP standard version 1.3. But the SCAP 1.2 datastream is not fully conformant with SCAP standard version 1.2, as up to OVAL 5.10 version is allowed. As SCAP 1.3 allows up to OVAL 5.11 and SCAP 1.2 allows up to OVAL 5.10.

To build fully compliant SCAP 1.2 content:

If you use build_product script, pass --oval510 option:

./build_product --oval510 <product-name>

If you use cmake command, pass -DSSG_TARGET_OVAL_MINOR_VERSION:STRING=10:

cd build/

And use the datastream with suffix -1.2.xml.

Build outputs

When the build has completed, the output will be in the build folder. That can be any folder you choose but if you followed the examples above it will be the content/build folder.

SCAP XML files

The SCAP XML files will be called ssg-${PRODUCT}-${TYPE}.xml. For example ssg-rhel7-ds.xml is the SCAP 1.3 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 source datastream, and ssg-rhel7-ds-1.2.xml is the SCAP 1.2 source datastream.

We recommend using source datastream if you have a choice. The build system also generates separate XCCDF, OVAL, OCIL and CPE files:

$ ls -1 ssg-rhel7-*.xml

These can be ingested by any SCAP-compatible scanning tool, to enable automated checking.

HTML Guides

The human readable HTML guide index files will be called ssg-${PRODUCT}-guide-index.html. For example ssg-rhel7-guide-index.html. This file will let the user browse all profiles available for that product. The prose guide HTML contains practical, actionable information for auditors and administrators. They are placed in the guides folder.

$ ls -1 guides/ssg-rhel7-*.html

HTML Reference Tables

Spreadsheet HTML tables - potentially useful as the basis for a Security Requirements Traceability Matrix (SRTM) document:

$ ls -1 tables/table-rhel7-*.html

Ansible Playbooks

Profile Ansible Playbooks

These Playbooks contain the remediations for a profile.

$ ls -1 ansible/rhel7-playbook-*.yml

Rule Ansible Playbooks

These Playbooks contain just the remediation for a rule, in the context of a profile.

$ ls -1 ansible/rhel7-playbook-*.yml
$ ls -1 rhel7/playbooks/pci-dss/*.yml

Profile Bash Scripts

These Bash Scripts contains the remediations for a profile.

$ ls -1 bash/rhel7-script-*.sh


To ensure validity of built artifacts prior to installation, we recommend running our test suite against the build output. This is done with CTest. It is a good idea to execute quick tests first using the -L quick option passed to ctest.

cd content/
cd build
ctest -L quick
ctest -LE quick -j4

Note: CTest does not run SSG Test Suite which provides simple system of test scenarios for testing profiles and rule remediations.


System-wide installation:

cd content/
cd build/
cmake ../
make -j4
sudo make install

(optional) Custom install location:

cd content/
cd build/
cmake ../
make -j4
sudo make DESTDIR=/opt/absolute/path/to/ssg/ install

(optional) System-wide installation using ninja:

cd content/
cd build/
cmake -G Ninja ../
ninja-build install

Extra Building Options

Building a tarball

To build a tarball with all the source code:

cd build/
make package_source

Building a package

To build a package for testing purposes:

cd build/
# disable any product you would not like to bundle in the package. For example:
# build the package.
make package

Currently, RPM and DEB packages are supported by this mechanism. We recommend only using it for testing. Please follow downstream workflows for production packages.

Building a ZIP file

To build a zip file with all generated source data streams and kickstarts:

cd build/
make zipfile

There is also target to build zip file containing contents specific for a vendor’s product.

cd build/
# To build content zipfiles of all vendors:
make vendor-zipfile
# To build Red Hat zipfiles:
make redhat-zipfile

Build the Docker container image

Find a suitable Dockerfile present in the Dockerfiles directory and build the image. This will take care of the build environment and all necessary setup.

docker build --no-cache --file Dockerfiles/ubuntu --tag oscap:$(date -u +%Y%m%d%H%M) --tag oscap:latest .

Build the content using the container image

To build all the content, run a container without any flags.

docker run --cap-drop=all --name oscap-content oscap:latest

Using docker cp to copy all the generated content to the your host:

docker cp oscap-content:/home/oscap/content/build $(pwd)/container_build